Logging levels

Logging process is configurable and it has several levels:
  • DEBUG - events with levels DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL are recorded;
  • INFO - events with levels INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL are recorded;
  • WARNING - events with levels WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL are recorded;
  • ERROR - events with levels ERROR and CRITICAL are recorded;
  • CRITICAL - events with level CRITICAL are recorded.
Description of Levels of messages about events recording in log files description:
  • DEBUG - detail logging of all system information for for later use in debugging;
  • INFO - confirmation, information about events that do not lead to errors in the operation of modules;
  • WARNING - information about events that may lead to errors in the operation of modules;
  • ERROR - information about errors in the modules;
  • CRITICAL - information about critical errors in the modules.
Logging level is configured:
Logging level is configured in section:

    Parameter is set in accordance with the required logging level: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL.

Each module can have its own level of detail of event messages.


Firstly the setting from the common settings file for all modules is applied, then the settings from the individual settings files of each module are applied.


You can see the description of the logging process provided by OpenStack platform in the appropriate section of the official documentation.

Sentry logging

The possibility of centralized logging is provided for modules CloudManager, Dashboard, Monitor, RSserver and Scheduler using the error monitoring system Sentry.

It is needed for enabling of sending error messages to Sentry:

  1. Install Raven library:

    pip3 install raven
  2. Set the following values in the configuration file of the corresponding module:

        ENABLED: True
        DSN: http://1d91324a511a54791a396f4fadca925ec:1a35b43635bf4dce9d0d59ae08d8bf99@my.sentry.loc/2