Utility of database migration version output


All commands of section are executed only on controller.

Utility description

Console utility openstack aos db list allows to track module database migration version.

Utility arguments
Parameter Description
-h, --help Help output. Optional parameter.
-n, --names MODULE_NAMES Output of modules database migration version names of which is set by the parameter MODULE_NAMES. It is needed separate them by gaps in case of use several parameters. Optional parameter.
-v, --verbose Flag for displaying a detailed message about database migration error. Optional parameter.

Examples of using

Module migration version view

Use the command to view the migration version database of specific modules:

openstack aos db list --names dashboard cloud_manager

where dashboard and cloud_manager are modules names.

Example of result:

openstack aos db list --names dashboard cloud_manager

Show actual db migrate versions for: dashboard, cloud_manager

DB migrate versions table
| N | Module name        | Version |
| 1 │ Dashboard          |      10 |
| 2 │ CloudManager       |      24 |

Use the command to view the migration version database of all modules:

openstack aos db list

Example of result:

openstack aos db list

Processing modules:  cloud_manager, clouds, dashboard, monitor, cloud_manager, rs_server, scheduler

DB migrate versions table
| N | Module name         | Status | Version        |
| 1 | CloudManager        | OK     | 64             |
| 2 | Clouds              | OK     | 2              |
| 3 | Dashboard           | OK     | 11             |
| 4 | Journal             | OK     | 5              |
| 5 | Monitor             | OK     | 8              |
| 6 | RSserver            | OK     | 30             |
| 7 | Scheduler           | OK     | 35             |

Errors occurring


openstack aos db list

Example of errors occurring:

Processing modules: cloud_manager, clouds, dashboard, monitor, cloud_manager, rs_server, scheduler

DB migrate versions table
| N | Module name        | Version                                              |
| 1 | CloudManager       | Unknown DB Error. Please contact your administrator. |
| 2 | Clouds             | Unknown DB Error. Please contact your administrator. |
| 3 | Dashboard          | Unknown DB Error. Please contact your administrator. |
| 4 | Journal            | Unknown DB Error. Please contact your administrator. |
| 5 | Monitor            | Unknown DB Error. Please contact your administrator. |
| 6 | RSserver           | Unknown DB Error. Please contact your administrator. |
| 7 | Scheduler          | Unknown DB Error. Please contact your administrator. |

Repeat command with flag --verbose to output detailed error message:

openstack aos db list --verbose

Example of response:

Show actual db migrate versions for: dashboard, cloud_manager, scheduler, rs_server

DB migrate versions table
| N | Module name        | Version                                                        |
| 1 | CloudManager       | Error while getting migrate versions:                          |
|   |                    | (_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError) (2003, 'Can\'t connect to |
|   |                    | MySQL server on \'controller\'')                               |
| 2 | Clouds             | Error while getting migrate versions:                          |
|   |                    | (_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError) (2003, 'Can\'t connect to |
|   |                    | MySQL server on \'controller\'')                               |
| 3 | Dashboard          | Error while getting migrate versions:                          |
|   |                    | (_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError) (2003, 'Can\'t connect to |
|   |                    | MySQL server on \'controller\'')                               |
| 4 | Journal            | Error while getting migrate versions:                          |
|   |                    | (_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError) (2003, 'Can\'t connect to |
|   |                    | MySQL server on \'controller\'')                               |
| 5 | Monitor            | Error while getting migrate versions:                          |
|   |                    | (_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError) (2003, 'Can\'t connect to |
|   |                    | MySQL server on \'controller\'')                               |
| 6 | CloudManager       | Error while getting migrate versions: Unable to get database   |
|   |                    | engine from engine facade                                      |
| 7 | Scheduler          | Error while getting migrate versions:                          |
|   |                    | (_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError) (2003, 'Can\'t connect to |
|   |                    | MySQL server on \'controller\'')                               |

Results table description

Field name Description
N Module serial number.
Module name Module name.
Version Database migration version or error occurring during migration.