
You need token to access REST API. Receiving a token is described in tab with additional information.

Scheduler API

This allows to launch the functions of modules or the OpenStack platform at the required time period or on schedule.

Module information

Detailed information about the module.

Getting detailed information about the module.
Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:10001/info/ | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
info body object Information.
version body string Version.

Example of getting information about a module in JSON format:

    "info": {
        "version": "2.0"

Scheduled Tasks

Actions with scheduled tasks.

Getting list of objects for scheduling tasks.

View list of types and groups of objects available for scheduling tasks.

Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:10001/timetable/task_objects/ | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
object_types body object List of project types and groups.
hypervisor body array Hypervisor.
instance body array Instance.
project body array Project.
volume body array Volume.

Example result in JSON format:

Content-Type: application/json

    "object_types": {
        "all": [
        "hypervisor": [
        "instance": [
        "project": [
        "volume": [
Getting list of functions for scheduling tasks.

View list of available functions for scheduling tasks.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
type query string

Object type for scheduling. Possible values:

  • hypervisor;
  • instance;
  • volume;
  • project.
groups query string

Object type group for scheduling. Possible values:

  • admin;
  • project;
  • trs.
locale (Optional) query string Language selection.
Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:10001/timetable/tasks_list/?type=hypervisor'&'groups=admin | python -m json.tool

Example result in JSON format:

Content-Type: application/json

        "Power on"
        "Run curl request"
        "Power off"
        "Run openstack shell command"
Getting list of running tasks.

Getting list of running tasks.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
tenant_id query string Project ID.
offset (Optional) query string Position number for getting data.
limit (Optional) query string Limiting the amount of data received.
all_tenants (Optional) query bool Getting list of tasks scheduled in all projects available to the user, or only in the current project. Default value is False.
sort_key (Optional) query string Field name for sorting.
locale (Optional) query string Language selection.
filter_tenants (Optional) query list Filtering tasks by project IDs.
start_date (Optional) query string Filtering tasks by creation date (start date).
end_date (Optional) query string Filtering tasks by creation date (final date).
show_deleted (Optional) query bool Output of deleted tasks. Default value is False.
subject_id (Optional) query string Task subject ID.
subject_type (Optional) query string

Filtering by subject type. Possible values:

  • hypervisor;
  • instance;
  • volume;
  • project.
subject_group (Optional) query string

Filtering by object group. Possible values:

  • admin;
  • project;
  • trs;
  • identity.
name (Optional) query string Filtering by task description.
status (Optional) query bool Filtering by field “enabled” of periodic task.
type (Optional) query string

Filtering by task type. Possible values:

  • one-time;
  • periodic.
action (Optional) query string Filtering by action name.
Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:10001/timetable/tasks_monitoring/?tenant_id=$tenant | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
rows body array Scheduler tasks list.
action body string Action name.
author_name body string User who created the task.
begin_date body string Start date of the task.
begin_time body string Task beginning time.
created_at body string Date and time of creating.
deleted body bool Flag indicating that the task has been deleted.
deleted_at (Optional) body string Date and time of deleting.
enabled body bool Flag indicating whether the task is active.
expires body string Scheduled task expiration date.
timetable_id query string Task ID.
last_run_at (Optional) body string Date and time of last launch of the task.
name (Optional) query string Filtering by task description.
repeat body string Flag indicating whether the task is periodic.
schedule body string Additional information.
subject body string Task subject name.
subject_id body string Task subject ID.
subject_type body string

Object type. Possible values:

  • hypervisor;
  • instance;
  • volume;
  • project.
subject_group body string

Object group. Possible values:

  • admin;
  • project;
  • trs;
  • identity.
tenant_id body string Project ID.
timezone body string Timezone.
total_run_count body integer Total number of task launches.
last_run_result body string Last run result.
unique_name body string Action name.
total_count body integer Total number of tasks.

Example result in JSON format:

Content-Type: application/json

    "rows": [
            "action": "Suspend Instance",
            "author_name": "admin",
            "begin_date": "2018-11-23",
            "begin_time": "08:46:00",
            "created_at": "2018-11-23T08:43:04.311732Z",
            "deleted": false,
            "deleted_at": null,
            "enabled": false,
            "expires": "2018-11-23T23:59:59Z",
            "last_run_at": "2018-11-23T08:46:00.010190Z",
            "last_run_result": "success",
            "name": "test1",
            "repeat": false,
            "schedule": "<crontab: 46 8 * 23 11 (m/h/d/dM/MY)>",
            "subject": "test",
            "subject_group": "project",
            "subject_id": "19c06232-ee43-4e75-b4c9-3575bb17d753",
            "subject_type": "instance",
            "tenant_id": "db0d89f6c40c46b4a6879ee1b1a1d907",
            "timetable_id": 3,
            "timezone": "Europe/Moscow",
            "total_run_count": 1,
            "unique_name": "server_suspend"
    "total_count": 1
Getting detailed information about task.

Getting detailed information about task.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
timetable_id query string Task ID.
Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:10001/timetable/5/ | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
author_name body string User who created the task.
begin_date body string Start date of the task.
begin_time body string Task beginning time.
created_at body string Date and time of creating.
description body string Task name.
timetable_id query string Task ID.
periodic_task body object Periodic properties.
args body string Additional arguments.
crontab (Optional) body string Cron settings. Example: "crontab":{"month_of_year": "5", "day_of_week": "*", "hour": "10", "minute": "35", "day_of_month": "17"}.
day_of_month body string Day of month.
day_of_week body string Day of week.
hour body string Hour.
minute body string Minute.
month_of_year body string Month.
date_changed body string Date and time of change.
description body string Task name.
enabled body bool Flag indicating whether the task is active.
exchange (Optional) body string Exchange.
expires body string Scheduled task expiration date.
task_id body integer Periodic task start ID.
interval (Optional) body string Interval of frequency of task execution.
kwargs body string Additional arguments.
last_run_at (Optional) body string Date and time of last launch of the task.
name (Optional) query string Filtering by task description.
next_run_time body string Date and time of next launch.
queue (Optional) body string Task queue.
routing_key (Optional) body string Routing key.
task body string Task name.
total_run_count body integer Total number of task launches.
repeat body string Flag indicating whether the task is periodic.
run_count_limit (Optional) body string Maximum repetitions.
last_run_message body string Message after last run.
last_run_result body string Last run result.
subject body string Task subject name.
subject_id body string Task subject ID.
subject_type body string

Object type. Possible values:

  • hypervisor;
  • instance;
  • volume;
  • project.
subject_group body string

Object group. Possible values:

  • admin;
  • project;
  • trs;
  • identity.
tenant_id body string Project ID.
timezone body string Timezone.
unique_name body string Action name.

Example result in JSON format:

Content-Type: application/json

    "author_name": "admin",
    "begin_date": "2018-11-23",
    "begin_time": "08:46:00",
    "created_at": "2018-11-23T08:43:04.311732Z",
    "deleted": false,
    "description": "test1",
    "id": 3,
    "last_run_message": "Instance \"test\" is successfully suspended.",
    "last_run_result": "success",
    "periodic_task": {
        "args": "[]",
        "crontab": {
            "day_of_month": "23",
            "day_of_week": "*",
            "hour": "8",
            "minute": "46",
            "month_of_year": "11"
        "date_changed": "2018-11-23T08:46:01.920124Z",
        "description": "",
        "enabled": false,
        "exchange": null,
        "expires": "2018-11-23T23:59:59Z",
        "id": 4,
        "interval": null,
        "kwargs": "{\"user_domain_name\": \"Default\", \"object_id\": \"19c06232-ee43-4e75-b4c9-3575bb17d753\", \"timetable_id\": \"3\", \"object_name\": \"test\", \"repeatable\": false, \"trust_id\": \"52fc433d2a24400b906bd223001a400a\", \"periodic_task_uuid_name\": \"df205e30-33fd-486a-8be4-bcdb536c18de\", \"user_name\": \"admin\", \"tenant\": \"db0d89f6c40c46b4a6879ee1b1a1d907\"}",
        "last_run_at": "2018-11-23T08:46:00.010190Z",
        "name": "df205e30-33fd-486a-8be4-bcdb536c18de",
        "next_run_time": null,
        "queue": null,
        "routing_key": null,
        "task": "cloud_manager.scheduler_tasks.server_suspend.server_suspend",
        "total_run_count": 1
    "repeat": false,
    "run_count_limit": null,
    "subject": "test",
    "subject_group": "project",
    "subject_id": "19c06232-ee43-4e75-b4c9-3575bb17d753",
    "subject_type": "instance",
    "tenant_id": "db0d89f6c40c46b4a6879ee1b1a1d907",
    "timetable_id": 3,
    "timezone": "Europe/Moscow",
    "unique_name": "server_suspend"
Creating task.

Creating task with certain parameters.

Name In Type Description
unique_name body string Action name.
subject_type body string

Object type. Possible values:

  • hypervisor;
  • instance;
  • volume;
  • project.
subject_group body string

Object group. Possible values:

  • admin;
  • project;
  • trs;
  • identity.
description body string Task name.
author_name body string User who created the task.
expires body string Scheduled task expiration date.
repeat body string Flag indicating whether the task is periodic.
run_count_limit (Optional) body string Maximum repetitions.
crontab (Optional) body string Cron settings. Example: "crontab":{"month_of_year": "5", "day_of_week": "*", "hour": "10", "minute": "35", "day_of_month": "17"}.
begin_time body string Task beginning time.
timezone body string Timezone.
subject body string Task subject name.
begin_date body string Start date of the task.
subject_id body string Task subject ID.
key_arguments body list Authentication parameters and additional task parameters. Example: "key_arguments":"{\"user_domain_name\": \"default\", \"user_name\": \"admin\", \"user_password\": \"password\", \"tenant\": \"70ac61efe4a64d29a3839a17cd31e393\"}".
tenant_id body string Project ID.
object_id body string Task object ID. Request argument required for additional validation.
object_name body string Task object name. Request argument required for additional validation.
Request example:
curl -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"unique_name":"server_suspend", "subject_type":"instance", "subject_group":"project", "begin_date":"2018-12-05", "description":"xz", "key_arguments":"{\"user_domain_name\": \"default\", \"user_name\": \"admin\", \"user_password\": \"password\", \"tenant\": \"db0d89f6c40c46b4a6879ee1b1a1d907\"}", "subject_id":"19c06232-ee43-4e75-b4c9-3575bb17d753", "expires":"2018-12-20 23:59:59", "author_name":"admin", "ending":"2018-12-20", "repeat":"False", "crontab": {"day_of_month":"*", "minute":"0", "hour":"0", "day_of_week":"*", "month_of_year":"*" }, "begin_time":"16:30:00", "timezone":"UTC", "tenant_id":"db0d89f6c40c46b4a6879ee1b1a1d907", "author_name":"admin", "subject":"test"}' http://controller:10001/timetable/ | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
timetable_id query string Task ID.
author_name body string User who created the task.
tenant_id body string Project ID.
description body string Task name.
unique_name body string Action name.
repeat body string Flag indicating whether the task is periodic.
run_count_limit (Optional) body string Maximum repetitions.
subject body string Task subject name.
begin_date body string Start date of the task.
begin_time body string Task beginning time.
timezone body string Timezone.
created_at body string Date and time of creating.
periodic_task body object Periodic properties.
task_id body integer Periodic task start ID.
name (Optional) query string Filtering by task description.
task body string Task name.
args body string Additional arguments.
kwargs body string Additional arguments.
queue (Optional) body string Task queue.
exchange (Optional) body string Exchange.
routing_key (Optional) body string Routing key.
expires body string Scheduled task expiration date.
enabled body bool Flag indicating whether the task is active.
last_run_at (Optional) body string Date and time of last launch of the task.
total_run_count body integer Total number of task launches.
date_changed body string Date and time of change.
description body string Task name.
crontab (Optional) body string Cron settings. Example: "crontab":{"month_of_year": "5", "day_of_week": "*", "hour": "10", "minute": "35", "day_of_month": "17"}.
id body integer ID.
minute body string Minute.
hour body string Hour.
day_of_week body string Day of week.
day_of_month body string Day of month.
month_of_year body string Month.
subject_type body string

Object type. Possible values:

  • hypervisor;
  • instance;
  • volume;
  • project.
subject_group body string

Object group. Possible values:

  • admin;
  • project;
  • trs;
  • identity.
subject_id body string Task subject ID.

Example result in JSON format:

    "author_name": "admin",
    "begin_date": "2018-12-05",
    "begin_time": "16:30:00",
    "created_at": "2018-12-05T13:29:07.186864Z",
    "deleted": false,
    "description": "xz",
    "id": 9,
    "last_run_message": "",
    "last_run_result": "",
    "periodic_task": {
        "args": "[]",
        "crontab": {
            "day_of_month": "*",
            "day_of_week": "*",
            "hour": "0",
            "minute": "0",
            "month_of_year": "*"
        "date_changed": "2018-12-05T13:29:07.223478Z",
        "description": "",
        "enabled": true,
        "exchange": null,
        "expires": "2018-12-20T23:59:59Z",
        "id": 10,
        "interval": null,
        "kwargs": "{\"user_domain_name\": \"default\", \"object_id\": \"19c06232-ee43-4e75-b4c9-3575bb17d753\", \"timetable_id\": \"9\", \"object_name\": \"test\", \"repeatable\": false, \"trust_id\": \"1891d3254e0f4a7e9e527cca3dc26235\", \"periodic_task_uuid_name\": \"d03fe52b-4af5-44a9-8738-b9f30e54d079\", \"user_name\": \"admin\", \"tenant\": \"db0d89f6c40c46b4a6879ee1b1a1d907\"}",
        "last_run_at": null,
        "name": "d03fe52b-4af5-44a9-8738-b9f30e54d079",
        "next_run_time": "2018-12-06T00:00:00.999148",
        "queue": null,
        "routing_key": null,
        "task": "cloud_manager.scheduler_tasks.server_suspend.server_suspend",
        "total_run_count": 0
    "repeat": false,
    "run_count_limit": null,
    "subject": "test",
    "subject_group": "project",
    "subject_id": "19c06232-ee43-4e75-b4c9-3575bb17d753",
    "subject_type": "instance",
    "tenant_id": "db0d89f6c40c46b4a6879ee1b1a1d907",
    "timetable_id": 9,
    "timezone": "UTC",
    "unique_name": "server_suspend"
Updating task.
Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
offset (Optional) query string Position number for getting data.
limit (Optional) query string Limiting the amount of data received.
tenant_id body string Project ID.
timetable_id query string Task ID.
Request example:
Any of task attributes other than crontab

curl -X PATCH -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"unique_name":"server_suspend", "subject_type":"instance", "subject_group":"project", "begin_date":"2018-12-05", "description":"new description", "key_arguments":"{\"user_domain_name\": \"default\", \"user_name\": \"admin\", \"user_password\": \"password\", \"tenant\": \"db0d89f6c40c46b4a6879ee1b1a1d907\"}", "subject_id":"19c06232-ee43-4e75-b4c9-3575bb17d753", "expires":"2018-12-20 23:59:59", "author_name":"admin", "ending":"2018-12-20", "repeat":"False", "begin_time":"16:30:00", "timezone":"UTC", "tenant_id":"db0d89f6c40c46b4a6879ee1b1a1d907", "author_name":"admin", "subject":"test"}' http://controller:10001/timetable/9/ | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
author_name body string User who created the task.
begin_date body string Start date of the task.
begin_time body string Task beginning time.
created_at body string Date and time of creating.
description body string Task name.
timetable_id query string Task ID.
password body string Password of user who created the task.
periodic_task body object Periodic properties.
crontab (Optional) body string Cron settings. Example: "crontab":{"month_of_year": "5", "day_of_week": "*", "hour": "10", "minute": "35", "day_of_month": "17"}.
day_of_month body string Day of month.
day_of_week body string Day of week.
hour body string Hour.
task_id body integer Periodic task start ID.
minute body string Minute.
month_of_year body string Month.
date_changed body string Date and time of change.
description body string Task name.
enabled body bool Flag indicating whether the task is active.
exchange (Optional) body string Exchange.
expires body string Scheduled task expiration date.
id body integer ID.
kwargs body string Additional arguments.
last_run_at (Optional) body string Date and time of last launch of the task.
name (Optional) query string Filtering by task description.
queue (Optional) body string Task queue.
routing_key (Optional) body string Routing key.
task body string Task name.
total_run_count body integer Total number of task launches.
repeat body string Flag indicating whether the task is periodic.
subject body string Task subject name.
subject_id body string Task subject ID.
subject_type body string

Object type. Possible values:

  • hypervisor;
  • instance;
  • volume;
  • project.
subject_group body string

Object group. Possible values:

  • admin;
  • project;
  • trs;
  • identity.
tenant_id body string Project ID.
timezone body string Timezone.
unique_name body string Action name.

Example result in JSON format:

Content-Type: application/json

    "author_name": "admin",
    "begin_date": "2018-12-05",
    "begin_time": "16:30:00",
    "created_at": "2018-12-05T13:29:07.186864Z",
    "deleted": false,
    "description": "new description",
    "id": 9,
    "last_run_message": "",
    "last_run_result": "",
    "periodic_task": {
        "args": "[]",
        "crontab": {
            "day_of_month": "*",
            "day_of_week": "*",
            "hour": "0",
            "minute": "0",
            "month_of_year": "*"
        "date_changed": "2018-12-05T13:29:07.223478Z",
        "description": "",
        "enabled": true,
        "exchange": null,
        "expires": "2018-12-20T23:59:59Z",
        "id": 10,
        "interval": null,
        "kwargs": "{\"user_domain_name\": \"default\", \"object_id\": \"19c06232-ee43-4e75-b4c9-3575bb17d753\", \"timetable_id\": \"9\", \"object_name\": \"test\", \"repeatable\": false, \"trust_id\": \"1891d3254e0f4a7e9e527cca3dc26235\", \"periodic_task_uuid_name\": \"d03fe52b-4af5-44a9-8738-b9f30e54d079\", \"user_name\": \"admin\", \"tenant\": \"db0d89f6c40c46b4a6879ee1b1a1d907\"}",
        "last_run_at": null,
        "name": "d03fe52b-4af5-44a9-8738-b9f30e54d079",
        "next_run_time": "2018-12-06T00:00:00.999148",
        "queue": null,
        "routing_key": null,
        "task": "cloud_manager.scheduler_tasks.server_suspend.server_suspend",
        "total_run_count": 0
    "repeat": false,
    "run_count_limit": null,
    "subject": "test",
    "subject_group": "project",
    "subject_id": "19c06232-ee43-4e75-b4c9-3575bb17d753",
    "subject_type": "instance",
    "tenant_id": "db0d89f6c40c46b4a6879ee1b1a1d907",
    "timetable_id": 9,
    "timezone": "UTC",
    "unique_name": "server_suspend"
Updating the task schedule.
Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
offset (Optional) query string Position number for getting data.
limit (Optional) query string Limiting the amount of data received.
tenant_id body string Project ID.
timetable_id query string Task ID.
Request example:
Any of task attributes, including crontab

curl -X PUT -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"unique_name":"server_suspend", "subject_type":"instance", "subject_group":"project", "begin_date":"2018-12-05", "description":"xz", "key_arguments":"{\"user_domain_name\": \"default\", \"user_name\": \"admin\", \"user_password\": \"password\", \"tenant\": \"db0d89f6c40c46b4a6879ee1b1a1d907\"}", "subject_id":"19c06232-ee43-4e75-b4c9-3575bb17d753", "expires":"2018-12-20 23:59:59", "author_name":"admin", "ending":"2018-12-20", "repeat":"False", "crontab": {"day_of_month":"*", "minute":"0", "hour":"0", "day_of_week":"*", "month_of_year":"*" }, "begin_time":"16:30:00", "timezone":"UTC", "tenant_id":"db0d89f6c40c46b4a6879ee1b1a1d907", "author_name":"admin", "subject":"test"}' http://controller:10001/timetable/ | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
timetable_id query string Task ID.
author_name body string User who created the task.
tenant_id body string Project ID.
description body string Task name.
unique_name body string Action name.
repeat body string Flag indicating whether the task is periodic.
run_count_limit (Optional) body string Maximum repetitions.
subject body string Task subject name.
begin_date body string Start date of the task.
begin_time body string Task beginning time.
timezone body string Timezone.
created_at body string Date and time of creating.
periodic_task body object Periodic properties.
task_id body integer Periodic task start ID.
name (Optional) query string Filtering by task description.
task body string Task name.
args body string Additional arguments.
kwargs body string Additional arguments.
queue (Optional) body string Task queue.
exchange (Optional) body string Exchange.
routing_key (Optional) body string Routing key.
expires body string Scheduled task expiration date.
enabled body bool Flag indicating whether the task is active.
last_run_at (Optional) body string Date and time of last launch of the task.
total_run_count body integer Total number of task launches.
date_changed body string Date and time of change.
description body string Task name.
crontab (Optional) body string Cron settings. Example: "crontab":{"month_of_year": "5", "day_of_week": "*", "hour": "10", "minute": "35", "day_of_month": "17"}.
id body integer ID.
minute body string Minute.
hour body string Hour.
day_of_week body string Day of week.
day_of_month body string Day of month.
month_of_year body string Month.
subject_type body string

Object type. Possible values:

  • hypervisor;
  • instance;
  • volume;
  • project.
subject_group body string

Object group. Possible values:

  • admin;
  • project;
  • trs;
  • identity.
subject_id body string Task subject ID.

Example result in JSON format:

Content-Type: application/json

    "author_name": "admin",
    "begin_date": "2018-12-05",
    "begin_time": "16:30:00",
    "created_at": "2018-12-05T13:29:07.186864Z",
    "deleted": false,
    "description": "xz",
    "id": 9,
    "last_run_message": "",
    "last_run_result": "",
    "periodic_task": {
        "args": "[]",
        "crontab": {
            "day_of_month": "*",
            "day_of_week": "*",
            "hour": "0",
            "minute": "0",
            "month_of_year": "*"
        "date_changed": "2018-12-05T13:29:07.223478Z",
        "description": "",
        "enabled": true,
        "exchange": null,
        "expires": "2018-12-20T23:59:59Z",
        "id": 10,
        "interval": null,
        "kwargs": "{\"user_domain_name\": \"default\", \"object_id\": \"19c06232-ee43-4e75-b4c9-3575bb17d753\", \"timetable_id\": \"9\", \"object_name\": \"test\", \"repeatable\": false, \"trust_id\": \"1891d3254e0f4a7e9e527cca3dc26235\", \"periodic_task_uuid_name\": \"d03fe52b-4af5-44a9-8738-b9f30e54d079\", \"user_name\": \"admin\", \"tenant\": \"db0d89f6c40c46b4a6879ee1b1a1d907\"}",
        "last_run_at": null,
        "name": "d03fe52b-4af5-44a9-8738-b9f30e54d079",
        "next_run_time": "2018-12-06T00:00:00.999148",
        "queue": null,
        "routing_key": null,
        "task": "cloud_manager.scheduler_tasks.server_suspend.server_suspend",
        "total_run_count": 0
    "repeat": false,
    "run_count_limit": null,
    "subject": "test",
    "subject_group": "project",
    "subject_id": "19c06232-ee43-4e75-b4c9-3575bb17d753",
    "subject_type": "instance",
    "tenant_id": "db0d89f6c40c46b4a6879ee1b1a1d907",
    "timetable_id": 9,
    "timezone": "UTC",
    "unique_name": "server_suspend"
Deleting task.

Deleting specific task.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
offset (Optional) query string Position number for getting data.
limit (Optional) query string Limiting the amount of data received.
timetable_id query string Task ID.
Request example:
curl -X DELETE -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:10001/timetable/5/

This operation has no response content.

Deleting tasks of specified object.
Name In Type Description
subject_type path string

Object type. Possible values:

  • hypervisor;
  • instance;
  • volume;
  • project.
subject_id path string Task object ID. Request argument required for additional validation.
Request example:
curl -X DELETE -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" "http://controller:10001/timetable/tasks_monitoring/?subject_type=instance&subject_id=19c06232-ee43-4e75-b4c9-3575bb17d753"

This operation has no response content.

Detailed description of response codes for requests is available in the tab with additional information.