How to fix an error when resizing a instance volume on the fly?

The following error may occur in multipath: when volume size of instance is changed on the fly, in fact the size is changed and the new size is displayed in the volume details, but outdated data on the volume size is displayed on the instance to which the volume is attached. This is because the system assigns unique names multipath in the format - mpath n. In order for the resizing of the instance volume to occur correctly, it is necessary that the system use the identifier for the name assignment WWID. To do this, set the parameter user_friendly_names to the value no:

  1. On the node where instance is running, in the configuration file /etc/multipath.conf, set the parameter value:

    user_friendly_names no
  2. Then restart multipathd service:

    systemctl restart multipathd

Now, when changing the volume size, the changes will also be made inside the running intstance and the new volume size will be correctly displayed in Dashboard.