Updating configurations


When updating configuration files, all current configuration files and patch files will be overwritten. Therefore, be sure to make backups of your current files.

Updating configurations TKControl

  1. Before updating, make backups of configuration files:

    sudo cp -r /etc/tkcontrol /etc/tkcontrol.old
  2. Update config files of TKControl:

    sudo tkcontrol-auth configure && \
    sudo tkcontrol-backend configure && \
    sudo tkcontrol-dbadapter configure && \
    sudo tkcontrol-services configure
  3. Restart services:

    sudo systemctl restart tkcontrol-{auth,backend,dbadapter,services}

Updating configurations of Salt-Master

  1. Before updating, make backups of configuration files:

    sudo cp -r /etc/salt /etc/salt.old && \
    sudo cp -r /srv/salt /srv/salt.old
  2. Update config files of salt-master:

    sudo tkcontrol-configure salt-master --with-patch
  3. Restart services:

    sudo systemctl restart salt-{master,api}

Updating configurations of Nginx

  1. Before updating, make backup of the configuration file:

    sudo cp /etc/nginx/sites-available/tkcontrol.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/tkcontrol.conf.old
  2. Update config files of nginx:

    sudo tkcontrol-configure proxy
  3. Restart service:

    sudo systemctl restart nginx