Diagnostics of TKControl modules

Logging services used by TKControl module

You can find out the location of the module logging file in the configuration file. By default files are located in /var/log/tkcontrol/{auth,backend,dbadapter,services}.log

You can also view logs with journalctl:

journalctl -xeu tkcontrol-services

You can find out the location of the logs for mongo in the configuration file /etc/mongod.conf, for nginx to /etc/nginx/nginx.conf, for rabbitmq by default logs are saved in /var/log/rabbitmq/.

To get the current status of TKControl modules:

systemctl status tkcontrol-{auth,backend,dbadapter,services}

To get statuses of third-party TKControl modules:

systemctl status tkcontrol-{vnc-repeater,websockify}
systemctl status nginx
systemctl status mongod
systemctl status rabbitmq-server