Configuration file

Configuration files allow to customize modules work.

Configuration files describe credentials for connecting to services (OpenStack, DB, RabbitMQ and etc.) and parameters of the modules work.

Configuration files have .conf format.

Examples of configuration files with extension conf.example are created when installing modules. Files contain the minimum set of sections required for the modules to work. After making changes to the file conf.example, in order to save the example settings, you should save them under a different name.

Keys in configuration files are case-insensitive. Also, the values of boolean parameters (TRUE / FALSE) and log levels are not case-sensitive, other parameters, including section names, are case-sensitive.

Configuration file types

AccentOS® products configuration files are divided into two types:

Work is always started using general configuration file, only then the settings are read from the module file. Files may contain identical sections and parameters, values from the modular config file are used in case of differences in parameter values. Default parameters frome conf.example files are used in the absence of configuration files.

Configuration files location

Both module and general config files with extension conf.example are installed in /etc/aos/ directory during installing of any modules.

General config file

This type of configuration file is used by all modules, which allows to configure all modules at once in one file. The general file aos.conf is located in /etc/aos/ directory.

The aos.conf.example file lists the sections and their parameters. Parameter values are case sensitive unless otherwise specified.

The general configuration file appears after installing one of the modules: Dashboard, Journal, Monitor, CloudManager, RSserver, Scheduler.

Changing the parameters of the configuration file is described in the corresponding section documentation.

Configuration file content

The configuration file consists of the following sections:

Option Description
DEFAULT Default section for parameters not included in other sections.
keystone Service authentication settings Keystone.
database Settings of connection to database.
messaging Messaging services settings.
os_api Access points settings for OpenStack services.
api_auth AccentOS services authentication settings.

DEFAULT section

Section consists of the following options:

Option Description Default
log_level It indicates the set level logging. Levels detail description is available in section “Logging levels”. info

Keystone section

Section consists of the following options:

Option Description Default
auth_url Keystone service authorization URL. http://localhost:5000
username User name. admin
password User password.  
project_name OpenStack project name. admin
user_domain_name User domain name. default
project_domain_name Project domain name. default

Database section

Section consists of the following options:

Option Description Default Possible values
max_pool_size The maximum number of open connections in the pool. 5 Non-negative numbers, with value of 0 the number of connections is not limited.
max_overflow Number of connections by which max_pool_size can be exceeded. 50 Non-negative numbers, with value of -1 the number of connections is not limited.
pool_recycle Connection timeout (in seconds) is time interval after which an open connection is removed from the pool. 3600 Non-negative numbers, with value of -1 connections are not removed.
pool_timeout Maximum timeout interval to receive a connection from a pool (in seconds). 30 Any non-negative numbers.
retry_interval Timeout between connection attempts (in seconds). 2 Any non-negative numbers.
max_retries The maximum number of connection attempts. 5 Non-negative numbers, with value of 0 no attempts to reconnect, with value of -1 connection attempts are carried out endlessly.

Messaging section

Section consists of the following options:

Option Description Default
url Messaging service service connection URL. amqp://aos:password@localhost:5672/aos

Redis section

Section consists of the following options:

Option Description Default
url NoSQL data base Redis connection URL. redis://:password@localhost:6379/0

os_api section

Section consists of the following options:

Option Description Default
nova_api_version Nova service API version. 2.60
cinder_api_version Cinder service API version. 3.50
gnocchi_api_version Gnocchi service API version. 1
glance_api_version Glance service API version. 2
neutron_api_version Neutron service API version. 2
compute_service_type Nova service type. compute
image_service_type Glance service type. image
network_service_type Neutron service type. network
volume_service_type Cinder service type. volumev3
gnocchi_service_type Gnocchi service type. metric

api_auth section

Option Description Default
auth_url Keystone service authorization URL.  
username User name. aos
password User password.  
project_name OpenStack project name. service
user_domain_name User domain name. default
project_domain_name Project domain name. default

Changing configuration file parameters


First need to do setting up the environment. All commands are executed only from superuser.

Copy the sample config file:

cp /etc/aos/aos.conf.example /etc/aos/aos.conf

You can edit the file after executing the command, it is in /etc/aos/ directory.

Need to restart web server and systemd module services for the changes to take effect:

# Debian:
systemctl restart apache2
systemctl restart aos-*

Module configuration file

This type of files is used by a specific module. The configuration file is located in /etc/aos/ directory. The file name corresponds to the module name.

Detail descriptions is available in the relevant sections of the documentation about modules:


If the module configuration file does not specify the path and file names for collecting logs, then the logging of actions is performed by the system tools, for example, journalctl.