Installing and Configuring Redis for Debian 10 and OpenStack Train

Redis is fast key-value data store that is flexible, high-performance, and a wide variety of supported languages.

To install Redis and prepare it to work with AccentOS modules, follow these steps:

  1. Update local package cache and install Redis using following command:

    apt update
    apt install redis-server
  2. Configure Redis for working via systemd, make following changes in /etc/redis/redis.conf configuration file to do this:

    sed -i 's/supervised no/supervised systemd/' /etc/redis/redis.conf
  3. To set password for working with Redis, uncomment requirepass directive in /etc/redis/redis.conf configuration file and add required password to it. For example:

    sed -i 's/# requirepass foobared/requirepass password/' /etc/redis/redis.conf

    where password is required password.


    When choosing password, it is worth considering that Redis is very fast and is capable of trying up to 150 thousand passwords per second. Therefore, it is recommended to choose complex passwords for production.

  4. Restart services:

    systemctl restart redis.service redis-server.service