Modules settings utility


It is need execute all commands specified in this section only on controller.

Utility description

openstack aos configure is console utility for configuring modules after installation.


Existing configuration files for systemd services are not overwritten during running the utility.

Utility arguments
Parameter Description
-h, --help Help output. Optional parameter.
-l, --list Output of list all modules that support customization. Optional parameter.
-n, --names MODULE_NAMES Running the utility for specific module. The name is set by the parameter MODULE_NAMES. It is need separate by gap in case of use several parameters. Optional parameter.
-v, --verbose Displaying a detailed error message in the table if it occurs. Optional parameter.
-r, --rewrite Ability to overwrite service files. Optional parameter.

Examples of using

Getting a list of modules available for configuration


openstack aos configure --list

Example of displaying a list of modules for which the setting is available:

Available modules:

Running configuration for one module

Running configuration for Dashboard:

openstack aos configure --names dashboard

Example of response:

Processing modules: dashboard

Configuration table
| N | Module name      | Status | Result |
| 1 | Dashboard        | OK     |        |

Running configuration for several modules

Running configuration for Dashboard and CloudManager:

openstack aos configure -n dashboard cloud_manager

Example of response:

Processing modules: dashboard, cloud_manager

Configuration table
| N | Module name        | Status | Result |
| 1 | Dashboard          | OK     |        |
| 2 | CloudManager       | OK     |        |

All modules configuration

Running configuration for all modules:

openstack aos configure

Example of response:

Processing modules: dashboard, otp_sender, monitor, cloud_manager, scheduler, rs_server

Configuration table
| N | Module name            | Status | Result |
| 1 | CloudManager           | OK     |        |
| 2 | Clouds                 | OK     |        |
| 3 | Dashboard              | OK     |        |
| 4 | Journal                | OK     |        |
| 5 | Monitor                | OK     |        |
| 6 | OTPsender              | OK     |        |
| 7 | RSserver               | OK     |        |
| 8 | Scheduler              | OK     |        |

Results table description

Field name Description
N Module serial number.
Module name Module name.

Setting progress status. Possible values:

  • OK - setup was successful;
  • FAIL - setup failed.
Result Problem message.