API request parameter modifiers

When filtering records on the server side, the default is the equal operator. Modifiers are available to use other operators. The modifier is added to the parameter name after the double underscore “__”.

Supported modifiers:

Modifier Description
eq Exact match.
noteq Negation of modifier eq.
contains Check of substring in a string occurrence case insensitive.
notcontains Negation of modifier contains.
in Check of entry into a list of values. It is need pass multiple values for to indicate url. For example, /?name_in=user&name_in=admin.
notin Negation of modifier in.
gt Larger than.
gte Larger than or equal.
lt Less than.
lte Less than or equal
startswith Checking if string begins from specified value case insensitive.
notstartswith Negation of modifier startswith.
endswith Checking if string ends from specified value case insensitive.
notendswith Negation of modifier endswith.
year Check of year for fields with type DateTime.
month Check of month for fields with type DateTime.
day Check of month day for fields with type DateTime.

Using of modifiers:
