Dashboard module diagnostics


All commands are executed only from superuser.

Mode superuser:

sudo -i

Services logging used by the Dashboard module

Logging happens using logging module.

When working through the web interface logging will be performed in the file:

  • For Debian /var/log/apache2/error.log..


Description of the logging process provided by the OpenStack platform can be found in the corresponding section of the official documentation.

Dashboard debugging

In case of problems in operation of the module, there are following solutions:

  1. Set log level to value DEBUG which will allow recording event messages in log files with maximum detail for diagnosing and solving problems.

  2. Run openstack aos tests module self-diagnosis utility.

    Usage example:

    openstack aos tests --names dashboard --modules
    Modules diagnostic started.
    Running tests for: dashboard
    | Start date and time      | Thu Dec 24 17:03:53 2020 GMT                                                                  |
    | Inactive services        | apache-htcacheclean, nova-novncproxy, nova-serialproxy, nova-xenvncproxy, rtslib-fb-targetctl |
    | Database names           | Failed to get database names. Please run command as root.                                     |
    | Rabbit users             | Failed to get RabbitMQ info. Please run command as root.                                      |
    | Rabbit virtual hosts     | Failed to get RabbitMQ info. Please run command as root.                                      |
    | Rabbit limits            | Failed to get RabbitMQ info. Please run command as root.                                      |
    | Apache config parameters | Failed to get Apache configs info. Please run command as root.                                |
    | Apache MPM               | worker                                                                                        |
    Version: 1.5.1.dev3 (latest: current)
    License: This module does not require a license.
    | N | Test name                     | Status | Failure reason                                                                |
    | 1 | test available images         | OK     |                                                                               |
    | 2 | test cloud manager connection | OK     |                                                                               |
    | 3 | test connection to neutron    | OK     |                                                                               |
    | 4 | test dashboard installed      | OK     |                                                                               |
    | 5 | test localization files       | FAIL   | Localization files are missing:                                               |
    |   |                               |        | /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/openstack_auth/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/django.mo |
    |   |                               |        | Please run `python3 /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/manage.py compilemessages` |
    | 6 | test migrations applied       | OK     |                                                                               |
    | 7 | test monitor connection       | OK     |                                                                               |
    | 8 | test rs server connection     | OK     |                                                                               |
    | 9 | test scheduler connection     | OK     |                                                                               |
    Ran 9 in 1.222s
    FAIL (success=8, failures=1, errors=0))


Detailed description of utility is available in section «Self-diagnosis utility».