TKControl Client

  1. Before starting the installation, update the package list and install the required libraries:

    sudo apt update -y
    sudo apt install -y x11vnc zenity notify-osd pwgen tightvncserver language-pack-ru hwinfo
  2. To collect information about the status of connected devices, install hp-probe:

    sudo apt install hw-probe
  3. Installation hw-probe on Altlinux SP8:

    sudo apt-get install dmidecode aplay edid-decode
    git clone
    cd hw-probe
    make install


  1. Add root user:

    sudo useradd -s /sbin/nologin tkcontrol
    sudo usermod -aG sudo tkcontrol
    # Add line `tkcontrol ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL` to /etc/sudoers
    sudo visudo
  2. Install salt-minion:

    sudo apt install -y salt-minion
  3. Disable salt-minion before configuring:

    sudo systemctl stop salt-minion
  4. Add to /etc/hosts TKControl Server address:

    server_address salt
  5. Change the owner of the salt directories to root user:

    sudo chown -R tkcontrol:tkcontrol /etc/salt /var/cache/salt /var/log/salt /var/run/salt /var/lib/salt
  6. Change the owner of the salt-minion process to /etc/salt/minion:

    sudo sed "s/#user: root/user: tkcontrol/" -i /etc/salt/minion
  7. Start salt-minion:

    sudo systemctl enable salt-minion
    sudo systemctl start salt-minion