
You need token to access REST API. Receiving a token is described in tab with additional information.

Journal API

This provides an API for accessing cloud activity log

Logging service aos-journal-api

Service provides history of all actions on OpenStack objects.

Getting records of actions on objects.

It provides the ability to get detailed information about all user actions on objects.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
id (Optional) path string Log entry ID.
object_id (Optional) path string Object ID.
object_type (Optional) path string Object type.
action (Optional) path string Action name.
status (Optional) path string Action status.
event_time (Optional) path string Date and time of the action.
action_arguments path string Action arguments.
response_code (Optional) path string Response code.
message (Optional) path string Additional comment on action.
user_id (Optional) path string User ID.
user_name (Optional) path string Username.
domain_id (Optional) query string Domain ID to which the user belongs.
request_id (Optional) query string Request ID.
filter_project_id (Optional) query string Project ID. It is used to filter actions on the specified project and on project’s instances.
filter_domain_id (Optional) query string Domain ID. It is used to filter actions on the specified domain and actions performed by user belonging to the specified domain.
offset (Optional) query string Position number for receiving data.
limit (Optional) query string Limiting amount of data received.

Parameters supporting modifiers are id, object_id, object_type, action, status, event_time, action_arguments, response_code, message, user_id, user_name, domain_id, request_id.

Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:9360/v1/journal/ | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
id body integer ID.
action body string Action name.
action_arguments (Optional) body string JSON arguments to use when performing an action. For example: '{"user": "admin"}'.
event_time (Optional) body string Date and time of action.
message (Optional) body string Additional comment on action.
object_id body integer Object ID.
object_type (Optional) query string Object type.
request_id (Optional) body string Request ID.
parent_request_id (Optional) body string Parent request ID.
response_code (Optional) body string Response code.
status body string Action status.
user_id (Optional) query string User ID.
user_name body string Username.
domain_id (Optional) body string Domain ID.

Sample result in JSON format:

    "journal": [
            "action": "dashboard.user.login",
            "action_arguments": null,
            "event_time": "2018-03-22T07:25:31",
            "id": 47,
            "message": "User \"admin\" was successfully logged in.",
            "object_id": "2fee08b2c0ee4ca9ad2907c922c92261",
            "object_type": "project",
            "parent_request_id": null,
            "request_id": "624fa546-e50b-4b7c-82be-8ed496de31a7",
            "response_code": null,
            "status": "success",
            "user_id": "5e48b18b-844d-477c-ab8d-6789a5382a14",
            "user_name": "admin",
            "domain_id": "46790262d1de48228a53c8887a932f48"
Getting the number of records about actions on objects.

It provides the ability to get the number of user actions on objects.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
id (Optional) path string Log entry ID.
object_id (Optional) path string Object ID.
object_type (Optional) path string Object type.
action (Optional) path string Action name.
status (Optional) path string Action status.
event_time (Optional) path string Date and time of the action.
action_arguments path string Action arguments.
response_code (Optional) path string Response code.
message (Optional) path string Additional comment on action.
user_id (Optional) path string User ID.
user_name (Optional) path string Username.
domain_id (Optional) query string Domain ID to which the user belongs.
request_id (Optional) query string Request ID.
filter_project_id (Optional) query string Project ID. It is used to filter actions on the specified project and on project’s instances.
filter_domain_id (Optional) query string Domain ID. It is used to filter actions on the specified domain and actions performed by user belonging to the specified domain.

Parameters supporting modifiers are id, object_id, object_type, action, status, event_time, action_arguments, response_code, message, user_id, user_name, domain_id, request_id.

Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:9360/v1/journal/count | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
count body string Number of records.

Sample result in JSON format:

    "count": 1
Creating records of actions on objects.

It allows to save record of user actions over objects.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
tenant_id path string Project ID in which the user is authorized.
object_id body integer Object ID.
object_type (Optional) query string Object type.
action body string Action name.
status body string Action status.
message (Optional) body string Additional comment on action.
user_id (Optional) query string User ID.
user_name body string Username.
request_id (Optional) body string Request ID.
parent_request_id (Optional) body string Parent request ID.
action_arguments (Optional) body string JSON arguments to use when performing an action. For example: '{"user": "admin"}'.
domain_id (Optional) body string Domain ID.
Request example:
curl -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"journal": {"object_id": "4", "object_type": "node", "action": "node_control.power_on", "status": "Success"}}' http://controller:9360/v1/journal/ | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
id body integer ID.
action body string Action name.
action_arguments (Optional) body string JSON arguments to use when performing an action. For example: '{"user": "admin"}'.
event_time (Optional) body string Date and time of action.
message (Optional) body string Additional comment on action.
object_id body integer Object ID.
object_type (Optional) query string Object type.
request_id (Optional) body string Request ID.
parent_request_id (Optional) body string Parent request ID.
response_code (Optional) body string Response code.
status body string Action status.
user_id (Optional) query string User ID.
user_name body string Username.
domain_id (Optional) body string Domain ID.

Sample result in JSON format:

    "journal": {
        "action": "node_control.power_on",
        "action_arguments": null,
        "event_time": "2018-03-22T07:25:31",
        "id": 47,
        "message": null,
        "object_id": "2",
        "object_type": "node",
        "parent_request_id": null,
        "request_id": "624fa546-e50b-4b7c-82be-8ed496de31a7",
        "response_code": null,
        "status": "success",
        "user_id": "5e48b18b-844d-477c-ab8d-6789a5382a14",
        "user_name": "admin",
        "domain_id": "46790262d1de48228a53c8887a932f48"

Detailed description of response codes for requests is available in the tab with additional information.