Utility description


All commands of section are executed only on controller.


It is required to execute commands from superuser for all self-diagnostic tests. Otherwise tests for which there are not enough rights will not be executed and will end with the status SKIPPED.

openstack aos tests is the console utility is designed to diagnose the functionality of modules and identify errors made during their configuration. Based on the results of each stage of the check, either a message about successful completion or a list of messages about a failed check with a description of possible reasons is displayed.

Utility arguments
Parameter Description
-h, --help Help output. Optional parameter.
-l, --list Outputting list of all modules that support self-diagnostics. Optional parameter.
--show-last Outputting last saved report for the current user. Optional parameter.
-n, --names MODULE_NAMES Outputting the result for a specific module. The name is set by the parameter MODULE_NAMES. It is needed separate names by gaps in case of use several parameters. Optional parameter.
--silent Starting the self-diagnosis process without displaying the result on the screen. Optional parameter.
--save-file Writing the self-test result to a file. By default this is /tmp/. Optional parameter.
--file-dir FILE_DIR Address of the directory where the self-test results are located (when saving or displaying existing reports). The directory is specified by the parameter FILE_DIR. It is used with parameters --save-file and --show-last. Optional parameter.
--errors-only Exclusion from the table of successful tests. Optional parameter.
--platform Runing platform diagnostics Openstack without modules diagnostics. Optional parameter.
--modules Runing modules diagnostics without platform Openstack. Optional parameter.
--container Running module diagnostics in a container. Optional parameter.

Utility connects to the Keystone service during execution. The authentication mechanism is described in the section «OpenStackClient Authentication». If an error occurs during authorization, a corresponding message will be displayed. For example:

Not enough parameters to connect to OpenStack. Need token or username and password for keystone authenticate

Request a list of modules for which the self-diagnostic function is available


openstack aos tests --list

Example of response:

Available modules:

Self-test run for one module


openstack aos tests --names cloud_manager --modules

Example of response:

| Start date and time      | Thu Dec 24 17:03:53 2020 GMT                                                                  |
| Inactive services        | apache-htcacheclean, nova-novncproxy, nova-serialproxy, nova-xenvncproxy, rtslib-fb-targetctl |
| Database names           | Failed to get database names. Please run command as root.                                     |
| Rabbit users             | Failed to get RabbitMQ info. Please run command as root.                                      |
| Rabbit virtual hosts     | Failed to get RabbitMQ info. Please run command as root.                                      |
| Rabbit limits            | Failed to get RabbitMQ info. Please run command as root.                                      |
| Apache config parameters | Failed to get Apache configs info. Please run command as root.                                |
| Apache MPM               | worker                                                                                        |

Version: 1.4.1.dev15 (latest: 1.4.1.dev8)
License: 46a5c6f069514b2eb23844ac338bed5b (valid until 15.02.2021 03:00:00)
| N  | Test name                               | Status  | Failure reason                                                    |
| 1  | test api connection                     | OK      |                                                                   |
| 2  | test api service registration           | OK      |                                                                   |
| 3  | test arp command                        | OK      |                                                                   |
| 4  | test config file existence              | OK      |                                                                   |
| 5  | test connection to keystone             | OK      |                                                                   |
| 6  | test connection to nova                 | OK      |                                                                   |
| 7  | test drs service availability           | FAIL    | DRS service is not available.                                     |
| 8  | test leases files exist                 | SKIPPED | No leases file found. Looks like you don't have a DHCP server.    |
| 9  | test license validity                   | OK      |                                                                   |
| 10 | test migrations applied                 | OK      |                                                                   |
| 11 | test ping command                       | OK      |                                                                   |
| 12 | test pxe folder owner write permissions | SKIPPED | Folder for PXE images does not exist, check config PXE parameter. |
| 13 | test registered celery tasks            | OK      |                                                                   |
| 14 | test systemd services                   | OK      |                                                                   |
Ran 14 in 1.714s
FAIL (success=11, failures=1, errors=0))

Self-test run for multiple modules and platform diagnostics


openstack aos tests --names cloud_manager dashboard

Example of response:

Openstack platform diagnostic started.
System info:
| Start date and time      | Thu Dec 24 17:03:53 2020 GMT                                                                  |
| Inactive services        | apache-htcacheclean, nova-novncproxy, nova-serialproxy, nova-xenvncproxy, rtslib-fb-targetctl |
| Database names           | Failed to get database names. Please run command as root.                                     |
| Rabbit users             | Failed to get RabbitMQ info. Please run command as root.                                      |
| Rabbit virtual hosts     | Failed to get RabbitMQ info. Please run command as root.                                      |
| Rabbit limits            | Failed to get RabbitMQ info. Please run command as root.                                      |
| Apache config parameters | Failed to get Apache configs info. Please run command as root.                                |
| Apache MPM               | worker                                                                                        |

OpenStack services:
| ID                               | Name          | Type          | Description             | Enabled |
| 08a2e1c4b9c14b34875494112e6d21e7 | nova          | compute       | OpenStack Compute       | True    |
| 3a1c5c18649e4c8ba43c4f0139db8bd6 | keystone      | identity      |                         | True    |
| 438a1a9df13d42d7b028edbd0c9bbe7f | placement     | placement     | Placement API           | True    |
| 4915269ef8684e14b094d097712614db | journal       | journal       | Journal service         | True    |
| 5a7ddde01b5f423981e1e74d64a04f91 | cloud-manager | cloud-manager | CloudManager service    | True    |
| 959cfe4591114c61be5663a2533ac067 | neutron       | network       | OpenStack Networking    | True    |
| 9bdfb117fcca46af8a0a1dc06688a817 | scheduler     | scheduler     | Scheduler service       | True    |
| 9cdf72ad46814e9aadfa411be9108862 | cinderv3      | volumev3      | OpenStack Block Storage | True    |
| c7ca1b4c707744619007c6f8bb4176ad | glance        | image         | OpenStack Image         | True    |
| f50f3e61b2a34bbeaf8ed91208c6080d | rs-server     | rs-server     | RSserver service        | True    |
| faaf147b97694e448fdb1a3e774edfa1 | monitor       | monitor       | Monitor service         | True    |
| fc9afe28ef55420294b3d7d042a690e4 | cinderv2      | volumev2      | OpenStack Block Storage | True    |

| ID                                   | Name     | Subnets                              |
| 17c9baef-bc69-4964-abe3-d6771bb0be57 | localnet | 519e6ae8-951f-4ff5-b027-c34173040e2f |
| 3800711f-4852-446c-acad-47e0c69f447f | provider | d6194026-16e8-4984-9921-d966b99274e8 |

| ID                                   | Name        | CIDR           | Dns nameservers | Gateway ip   | Allocation pools                       |
| 519e6ae8-951f-4ff5-b027-c34173040e2f | localsubnet | |      |  | start:, end: |
| d6194026-16e8-4984-9921-d966b99274e8 | provider    |  |      | | start:, end:  |

| ID                                   | Name       | Status | Project                          |
| ebfacc92-45ba-4da3-bb83-82f0f6b09270 | ext-router | ACTIVE | 987799d9971e4455ad0ecf7e9423cd2d |

| ID                                   | Name          | Status |
| ffe0c09c-581b-4473-8750-e164e055e3ea | debian10cloud | active |
| 057a36f2-2407-47db-841c-9051d4ae7eed | cirros        | active |

OpenStack services check:
| Service       | URL                                       | Supported versions |
| scheduler     | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:10001/ | -                  |
| cloud-manager | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9362/  | -                  |
| nova          | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8774/  | v2.1: current      |
|               |                                           | v2.0: supported    |
| neutron       | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9696/  | v2.0: current      |
| cinderv3      | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8776/  | v3.0: current      |
|               |                                           | v2.0: deprecated   |
| placement     | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8778/  | v1.0: current      |
| journal       | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9360/  | -                  |
| keystone      | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:5000/  | v3.13: stable      |
| monitor       | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9363/  | -                  |
| glance        | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9292/  | v2.9: current      |
|               |                                           | v2.7: supported    |
|               |                                           | v2.6: supported    |
|               |                                           | v2.5: supported    |
|               |                                           | v2.4: supported    |
|               |                                           | v2.3: supported    |
|               |                                           | v2.2: supported    |
|               |                                           | v2.1: supported    |
|               |                                           | v2.0: supported    |
| cinderv2      | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8776/  | v3.0: current      |
|               |                                           | v2.0: deprecated   |
| rs-server     | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9364/  | -                  |

OpenStack endpoints:
| Service       | Interface | Region    | URL                                                       |
| cinderv2      | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8776/v2/%(project_id)s |
| cinderv2      | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8776/v2/%(project_id)s |
| cinderv2      | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8776/v2/%(project_id)s |
| cinderv3      | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8776/v3/%(project_id)s |
| cinderv3      | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8776/v3/%(project_id)s |
| cinderv3      | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8776/v3/%(project_id)s |
| cloud-manager | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9362                   |
| cloud-manager | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9362                   |
| cloud-manager | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9362                   |
| glance        | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9292                   |
| glance        | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9292                   |
| glance        | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9292                   |
| journal       | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9360                   |
| journal       | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9360                   |
| journal       | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9360                   |
| keystone      | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:5000/v3/               |
| keystone      | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:5000/v3/               |
| keystone      | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:5000/v3/               |
| monitor       | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9363                   |
| monitor       | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9363                   |
| monitor       | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9363                   |
| neutron       | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9696                   |
| neutron       | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9696                   |
| neutron       | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9696                   |
| nova          | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8774/v2.1              |
| nova          | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8774/v2.1              |
| nova          | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8774/v2.1              |
| placement     | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8778                   |
| placement     | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8778                   |
| placement     | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8778                   |
| rs-server     | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9364                   |
| rs-server     | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9364                   |
| rs-server     | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9364                   |
| scheduler     | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:10001                  |
| scheduler     | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:10001                  |
| scheduler     | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:10001                  |

| ID                               | Name    | Enabled | Description        |
| db9d1d73a3ed4f3ead3bb259732d6ab8 | accentos| True    |                    |
| default                          | Default | True    | The default domain |

Modules diagnostic started.
Running tests for:  cloud_manager, dashboard

| Start date and time | Thu Dec 24 17:03:55 2020 GMT                                                                 |
| OpenStack version   | Train (20.4.1)                                                                               |
| Hostname            | ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc                                                                  |
| Distribution        | debian 10                                                                                    |
| Conductor nodes     | 1                                                                                            |
| Compute nodes       | 2                                                                                            |
| Database            | b'mysql  Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.3.27-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 5.2' |
| Packages source     | pypi-dev.tnxos.loc                                                                           |

Version: 1.4.1.dev15 (latest: 1.4.1.dev8)
License: 46a5c6f069514b2eb23844ac338bed5b (valid until 15.02.2021 03:00:00)
| N  | Test name                               | Status  | Failure reason                                                    |
| 1  | test api connection                     | OK      |                                                                   |
| 2  | test api service registration           | OK      |                                                                   |
| 3  | test arp command                        | OK      |                                                                   |
| 4  | test config file existence              | OK      |                                                                   |
| 5  | test connection to keystone             | OK      |                                                                   |
| 6  | test connection to nova                 | OK      |                                                                   |
| 7  | test drs service availability           | FAIL    | DRS service is not available.                                     |
| 8  | test leases files exist                 | SKIPPED | No leases file found. Looks like you don't have a DHCP server.    |
| 9  | test license validity                   | OK      |                                                                   |
| 10 | test migrations applied                 | OK      |                                                                   |
| 11 | test ping command                       | OK      |                                                                   |
| 12 | test pxe folder owner write permissions | SKIPPED | Folder for PXE images does not exist, check config PXE parameter. |
| 13 | test registered celery tasks            | OK      |                                                                   |
| 14 | test systemd services                   | OK      |                                                                   |
Ran 14 in 1.714s
FAIL (success=11, failures=1, errors=0))

Version: 1.5.1.dev3 (latest: current)
License: This module does not require a license.
| N | Test name                     | Status | Failure reason                                                                |
| 1 | test available images         | OK     |                                                                               |
| 2 | test cloud manager connection | OK     |                                                                               |
| 3 | test connection to neutron    | OK     |                                                                               |
| 4 | test dashboard installed      | OK     |                                                                               |
| 5 | test localization files       | FAIL   | Localization files are missing:                                               |
|   |                               |        | /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/openstack_auth/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/django.mo |
|   |                               |        | Please run `python3 /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/manage.py compilemessages` |
| 6 | test migrations applied       | OK     |                                                                               |
| 7 | test monitor connection       | OK     |                                                                               |
| 8 | test rs server connection     | OK     |                                                                               |
| 9 | test scheduler connection     | OK     |                                                                               |
Ran 9 in 1.222s
FAIL (success=8, failures=1, errors=0))

Run self-test for all modules and OpenStack platform


openstack aos tests

Example of response:

Openstack platform diagnostic started.
System info:
| Start date and time      | Thu Dec 24 17:03:53 2020 GMT                                                                  |
| Inactive services        | apache-htcacheclean, nova-novncproxy, nova-serialproxy, nova-xenvncproxy, rtslib-fb-targetctl |
| Database names           | Failed to get database names. Please run command as root.                                     |
| Rabbit users             | Failed to get RabbitMQ info. Please run command as root.                                      |
| Rabbit virtual hosts     | Failed to get RabbitMQ info. Please run command as root.                                      |
| Rabbit limits            | Failed to get RabbitMQ info. Please run command as root.                                      |
| Apache config parameters | Failed to get Apache configs info. Please run command as root.                                |
| Apache MPM               | worker                                                                                        |

OpenStack services:
| ID                               | Name          | Type          | Description             | Enabled |
| 08a2e1c4b9c14b34875494112e6d21e7 | nova          | compute       | OpenStack Compute       | True    |
| 3a1c5c18649e4c8ba43c4f0139db8bd6 | keystone      | identity      |                         | True    |
| 438a1a9df13d42d7b028edbd0c9bbe7f | placement     | placement     | Placement API           | True    |
| 4915269ef8684e14b094d097712614db | journal       | journal       | Journal service         | True    |
| 5a7ddde01b5f423981e1e74d64a04f91 | cloud-manager | cloud-manager | CloudManager service    | True    |
| 959cfe4591114c61be5663a2533ac067 | neutron       | network       | OpenStack Networking    | True    |
| 9bdfb117fcca46af8a0a1dc06688a817 | scheduler     | scheduler     | Scheduler service       | True    |
| 9cdf72ad46814e9aadfa411be9108862 | cinderv3      | volumev3      | OpenStack Block Storage | True    |
| c7ca1b4c707744619007c6f8bb4176ad | glance        | image         | OpenStack Image         | True    |
| f50f3e61b2a34bbeaf8ed91208c6080d | rs-server     | rs-server     | RSserver service        | True    |
| faaf147b97694e448fdb1a3e774edfa1 | monitor       | monitor       | Monitor service         | True    |
| fc9afe28ef55420294b3d7d042a690e4 | cinderv2      | volumev2      | OpenStack Block Storage | True    |

| ID                                   | Name     | Subnets                              |
| 17c9baef-bc69-4964-abe3-d6771bb0be57 | localnet | 519e6ae8-951f-4ff5-b027-c34173040e2f |
| 3800711f-4852-446c-acad-47e0c69f447f | provider | d6194026-16e8-4984-9921-d966b99274e8 |

| ID                                   | Name        | CIDR           | Dns nameservers | Gateway ip   | Allocation pools                       |
| 519e6ae8-951f-4ff5-b027-c34173040e2f | localsubnet | |      |  | start:, end: |
| d6194026-16e8-4984-9921-d966b99274e8 | provider    |  |      | | start:, end:  |

| ID                                   | Name       | Status | Project                          |
| ebfacc92-45ba-4da3-bb83-82f0f6b09270 | ext-router | ACTIVE | 987799d9971e4455ad0ecf7e9423cd2d |

| ID                                   | Name          | Status |
| ffe0c09c-581b-4473-8750-e164e055e3ea | debian10cloud | active |
| 057a36f2-2407-47db-841c-9051d4ae7eed | cirros        | active |

OpenStack services check:
| Service       | URL                                       | Supported versions |
| scheduler     | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:10001/ | -                  |
| cloud-manager | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9362/  | -                  |
| nova          | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8774/  | v2.1: current      |
|               |                                           | v2.0: supported    |
| neutron       | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9696/  | v2.0: current      |
| cinderv3      | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8776/  | v3.0: current      |
|               |                                           | v2.0: deprecated   |
| placement     | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8778/  | v1.0: current      |
| journal       | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9360/  | -                  |
| keystone      | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:5000/  | v3.13: stable      |
| monitor       | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9363/  | -                  |
| glance        | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9292/  | v2.9: current      |
|               |                                           | v2.7: supported    |
|               |                                           | v2.6: supported    |
|               |                                           | v2.5: supported    |
|               |                                           | v2.4: supported    |
|               |                                           | v2.3: supported    |
|               |                                           | v2.2: supported    |
|               |                                           | v2.1: supported    |
|               |                                           | v2.0: supported    |
| cinderv2      | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8776/  | v3.0: current      |
|               |                                           | v2.0: deprecated   |
| rs-server     | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9364/  | -                  |

OpenStack endpoints:
| Service       | Interface | Region    | URL                                                       |
| cinderv2      | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8776/v2/%(project_id)s |
| cinderv2      | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8776/v2/%(project_id)s |
| cinderv2      | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8776/v2/%(project_id)s |
| cinderv3      | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8776/v3/%(project_id)s |
| cinderv3      | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8776/v3/%(project_id)s |
| cinderv3      | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8776/v3/%(project_id)s |
| cloud-manager | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9362                   |
| cloud-manager | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9362                   |
| cloud-manager | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9362                   |
| glance        | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9292                   |
| glance        | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9292                   |
| glance        | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9292                   |
| journal       | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9360                   |
| journal       | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9360                   |
| journal       | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9360                   |
| keystone      | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:5000/v3/               |
| keystone      | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:5000/v3/               |
| keystone      | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:5000/v3/               |
| monitor       | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9363                   |
| monitor       | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9363                   |
| monitor       | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9363                   |
| neutron       | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9696                   |
| neutron       | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9696                   |
| neutron       | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9696                   |
| nova          | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8774/v2.1              |
| nova          | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8774/v2.1              |
| nova          | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8774/v2.1              |
| placement     | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8778                   |
| placement     | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8778                   |
| placement     | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8778                   |
| rs-server     | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9364                   |
| rs-server     | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9364                   |
| rs-server     | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9364                   |
| scheduler     | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:10001                  |
| scheduler     | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:10001                  |
| scheduler     | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:10001                  |

| ID                               | Name    | Enabled | Description        |
| db9d1d73a3ed4f3ead3bb259732d6ab8 | accentos| True    |                    |
| default                          | Default | True    | The default domain |

| Domain "aos" configuration                                   |
| {                                                            |
|   "identity": {                                              |
|     "driver": "ldap"                                         |
|   },                                                         |
|   "ldap": {                                                  |
|     "url": "ldap://",                         |
|     "user": "******",                                        |
|     "password": "******",                                    |
|     "suffix": "dc=aos,dc=loc",                               |
|     "use_dumb_member": "False",                              |
|     "allow_subtree_delete": "False",                         |
|     "user_tree_dn": "ou=users,ou=aos,dc=aos,dc=loc",         |
|     "user_objectclass": "person",                            |
|     "group_tree_dn": "ou=groups,ou=aos,dc=aos,dc=loc",       |
|     "group_objectclass": "group",                            |
|     "user_allow_create": "False",                            |
|     "user_allow_update": "False",                            |
|     "user_allow_delete": "False",                            |
|     "group_allow_create": "False",                           |
|     "group_allow_update": "False",                           |
|     "group_allow_delete": "False",                           |
|     "user_id_attribute": "sAMAccountName",                   |
|     "user_name_attribute": "sAMAccountName",                 |
|     "user_mail_attribute": "mail",                           |
|     "user_pass_attribute": "userPassword",                   |
|     "group_id_attribute": "cn",                              |
|     "group_name_attribute": "cn",                            |
|     "group_member_attribute": "",                            |
|     "group_desc_attribute": "description",                   |
|     "group_filter": ""                                       |
|   }                                                          |
| }                                                            |

Modules diagnostic started.
Running tests for: client, cloud_manager, dashboard, journal, monitor, rs_server, scheduler

| Start date and time | Thu Dec 24 17:03:55 2020 GMT                                                                 |
| OpenStack version   | Train (20.4.1)                                                                               |
| Hostname            | ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc                                                                  |
| Distribution        | debian 10                                                                                    |
| Conductor nodes     | 1                                                                                            |
| Compute nodes       | 2                                                                                            |
| Database            | b'mysql  Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.3.27-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 5.2' |
| Packages source     | pypi-dev.tnxos.loc                                                                           |

Common extracted variables
| N  | Variable name                | Value                                        |
| 1  | api_auth.log_level           | INFO                                         |
| 2  | api_auth.memcached_servers   | localhost:11211                              |
| 3  | api_auth.password            | ******                                       |
| 4  | api_auth.project_domain_name | default                                      |
| 5  | api_auth.project_name        | service                                      |
| 6  | api_auth.user_domain_name    | default                                      |
| 7  | api_auth.username            | aos                                          |
| 8  | database.log_level           | INFO                                         |
| 9  | database.max_overflow        | 50                                           |
| 10 | database.max_pool_size       | 5                                            |
| 11 | database.pool_recycle        | 3600                                         |
| 12 | database.pool_timeout        | 30                                           |
| 13 | keystone.auth_url            | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:5000      |
| 14 | keystone.log_level           | INFO                                         |
| 15 | keystone.password            | ******                                       |
| 16 | keystone.project_domain_name | default                                      |
| 17 | keystone.project_name        | admin                                        |
| 18 | keystone.user_domain_name    | default                                      |
| 19 | keystone.username            | admin                                        |
| 20 | log_level                    | INFO                                         |
| 21 | messaging.log_level          | INFO                                         |
| 22 | messaging.url                | amqp://aos:******@ana-deb10t-ovs-01:5672/aos |
| 23 | os_api.cinder_api_version    | 3.50                                         |
| 24 | os_api.compute_service_type  | compute                                      |
| 25 | os_api.glance_api_version    | 2                                            |
| 26 | os_api.gnocchi_api_version   | 1                                            |
| 27 | os_api.gnocchi_service_type  | metric                                       |
| 28 | os_api.image_service_type    | image                                        |
| 29 | os_api.log_level             | INFO                                         |
| 30 | os_api.network_service_type  | network                                      |
| 31 | os_api.neutron_api_version   | 2                                            |
| 32 | os_api.nova_api_version      | 2.60                                         |
| 33 | os_api.volume_service_type   | volumev3                                     |
| 34 | redis.log_level              | INFO                                         |
| 35 | redis.url                    | redis://:******@localhost:6379/0             |

Client extracted variables
| N | Variable name     | Value |
| 1 | traceback_enabled | False |
Version: 1.5.1.dev5 (latest: 1.5.1.dev7)
License: This module does not require a license.
| N | Test name                                 | Status  | Failure reason                                                                                                              |
| 1 | test admin role in domain                 | OK      |                                                                                                                             |
| 2 | test check openstack endpoints            | OK      |                                                                                                                             |
| 3 | test installation source file             | OK      |                                                                                                                             |
| 4 | test keystone ldap driver                 | SKIPPED | Path /etc/keystone/domains/ doesn't exist.                                                                                  |
| 5 | test modules compatibility with openstack | OK      |                                                                                                                             |
| 6 | test modules versions                     | FAIL    | Versions of the installed modules can be incompatible. You need to use the same major and minor version of the all modules. |
| 7 | test nova journal middleware              | FAIL    | Failed to read config file: /etc/nova/api-paste.ini                                                                         |
| 8 | test nova scheduler filter                | FAIL    | Failed to read config file: /etc/nova/nova.conf                                                                             |
| 9 | test valid openstack version              | FAIL    | Common packages:                                                                                                            |
|   |                                           |         | automaton==1.15.0. Required automaton>=1.17.0,<=1.17.0                                                                      |
Ran 9 in 9.805s
FAIL (success=4, failures=4, errors=0))

CloudManager extracted variables
| N  | Variable name                             | Value                                                                                  |
| 1  | agent.enabled                             | False                                                                                  |
| 2  | agent.logfile                             | /var/log/aos/cloud-manager/agent.log                                                   |
| 3  | api.audit_enabled                         | True                                                                                   |
| 4  | api.host                                  |                                                                                |
| 5  | api.logfile                               | /var/log/aos/cloud-manager/api.log                                                     |
| 6  | api.port                                  | 9362                                                                                   |
| 7  | api_auth.memcached_servers                | localhost:11211                                                                        |
| 8  | beat.max_loop_interval                    | 30                                                                                     |
| 9  | beat.sync_every                           | 60                                                                                     |
| 10 | database.max_overflow                     | 50                                                                                     |
| 11 | database.max_pool_size                    | 5                                                                                      |
| 12 | database.max_retries                      | 5                                                                                      |
| 13 | database.pool_recycle                     | 3600                                                                                   |
| 14 | database.pool_timeout                     | 30                                                                                     |
| 15 | database.retry_interval                   | 2                                                                                      |
| 16 | database.url                              | mysql+pymysql://aos:******@ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:3306/cloud_manager?charset=utf8 |
| 17 | dhcp_leases                               | /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd/state/dhcpd.leases, /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases                     |
| 18 | drs.host                                  | localhost                                                                              |
| 19 | drs.password                              | ******                                                                                 |
| 20 | drs.port                                  | 80                                                                                     |
| 21 | drs.username                              | aos                                                                                    |
| 22 | drs_trigger.enabled                       | True                                                                                   |
| 23 | drs_trigger.logfile                       | /var/log/aos/cloud-manager/drs-trigger.log                                             |
| 24 | drs_trigger.trigger_interval              | 600                                                                                    |
| 25 | extra_availability_check.attempts         | 2                                                                                      |
| 26 | extra_availability_check.delay            | 60                                                                                     |
| 27 | extra_availability_check.enabled          | False                                                                                  |
| 28 | extra_availability_check.instance_rate    | 100                                                                                    |
| 29 | host_tasks.allow_evacuate_host            | True                                                                                   |
| 30 | host_tasks.evacuation_retries             | 2                                                                                      |
| 31 | host_tasks.prioritized_evacuation_timeout | 60                                                                                     |
| 32 | host_tasks.recovery_priority              | 5                                                                                      |
| 33 | host_tasks.retries_wait_for_node_state    | 240                                                                                    |
| 34 | host_tasks.retries_wait_for_vm_status     | 60                                                                                     |
| 35 | listener.logfile                          | /var/log/aos/cloud-manager/listener.log                                                |
| 36 | listener.nova_rabbit_vhost                | /                                                                                      |
| 37 | node_attachment.controller_auth_path      | /etc/aos/hybrid/admin-openrc                                                           |
| 38 | node_attachment.controller_username       | aos                                                                                    |
| 39 | node_attachment.host_attach_max_retries   | 10                                                                                     |
| 40 | node_attachment.host_attach_retry_delay   | 120                                                                                    |
| 41 | node_attachment.key_path                  | /etc/aos/hybrid/aos.crt                                                                |
| 42 | node_sync.enabled                         | True                                                                                   |
| 43 | node_sync.logfile                         | /var/log/aos/cloud-manager/node-syncer.log                                             |
| 44 | node_sync.reserve_interval                | 60                                                                                     |
| 45 | node_sync.sync_interval                   | 60                                                                                     |
| 46 | node_tracker.allow_host_auto_power_off    | False                                                                                  |
| 47 | node_tracker.enabled                      | True                                                                                   |
| 48 | node_tracker.host_restart_timeout         | 600                                                                                    |
| 49 | node_tracker.logfile                      | /var/log/aos/cloud-manager/node-tracker.log                                            |
| 50 | node_tracker.loop_time                    | 30                                                                                     |
| 51 | node_tracker.max_down_hosts               | 0                                                                                      |
| 52 | node_tracker.mutex                        | 3                                                                                      |
| 53 | node_tracker.mutex_up                     | 1                                                                                      |
| 54 | node_tracker.timeout_reserv_node_up       | 15                                                                                     |
| 55 | power.shutdown_interval                   | 30                                                                                     |
| 56 | power.shutdown_max_tick                   | 10                                                                                     |
| 57 | pxe.conf_dir                              | /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/                                                        |
| 58 | sentry.enabled                            | False                                                                                  |
| 59 | sentry.log_level                          | CRITICAL                                                                               |
| 60 | storage_sync.enabled                      | True                                                                                   |
| 61 | storage_sync.logfile                      | /var/log/aos/cloud-manager/storage-syncer.log                                          |
| 62 | storage_sync.sync_interval                | 60                                                                                     |
| 63 | traceback_enabled                         | False                                                                                  |
Version: 1.4.1.dev15 (latest: 1.4.1.dev8)
License: 46a5c6f069514b2eb23844ac338bed5b (valid until 15.02.2021 03:00:00)
| N  | Test name                               | Status  | Failure reason                                                    |
| 1  | test api connection                     | OK      |                                                                   |
| 2  | test api service registration           | OK      |                                                                   |
| 3  | test arp command                        | OK      |                                                                   |
| 4  | test config file existence              | OK      |                                                                   |
| 5  | test connection to keystone             | OK      |                                                                   |
| 6  | test connection to nova                 | OK      |                                                                   |
| 7  | test drs service availability           | FAIL    | DRS service is not available.                                     |
| 8  | test leases files exist                 | SKIPPED | No leases file found. Looks like you don't have a DHCP server.    |
| 9  | test license validity                   | OK      |                                                                   |
| 10 | test migrations applied                 | OK      |                                                                   |
| 11 | test ping command                       | OK      |                                                                   |
| 12 | test pxe folder owner write permissions | SKIPPED | Folder for PXE images does not exist, check config PXE parameter. |
| 13 | test registered celery tasks            | OK      |                                                                   |
| 14 | test systemd services                   | OK      |                                                                   |
Ran 14 in 1.714s
FAIL (success=11, failures=1, errors=0))

Dashboard extracted variables
| N  | Variable name                | Value                                                                              |
| 1  | auth_url                     | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:5000                                            |
| 2  | companyname                  | AccentOS                                                                           |
| 3  | database.url                 | mysql+pymysql://aos:******@ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:3306/dashboard?charset=utf8 |
| 4  | enable_cinder_backups        | True                                                                               |
| 5  | enable_clouds                | False                                                                              |
| 6  | enable_numa_topology         | False                                                                              |
| 7  | enable_qos                   | True                                                                               |
| 8  | enable_tkcontrol             | True                                                                               |
| 9  | min_reserve_vm               | None                                                                               |
| 10 | os_api.identity_service_type | identity                                                                           |
| 11 | otp_sender_method            | telegram                                                                           |
| 12 | project_id                   | 715ccaa7a4b9442f99c721fb6b1300eb                                                   |
| 13 | selectable_themes            | default, accentos, accentos_ocean                                                  |
| 14 | sentry.enabled               | False                                                                              |
| 15 | sentry.log_level             | ERROR                                                                              |
| 16 | tkcontrol_host               |                                                                       |
| 17 | tkcontrol_password           | ******                                                                             |
| 18 | tkcontrol_user               | admin                                                                              |
| 19 | token                        | ******                                                                             |
| 20 | traceback_enabled            | False                                                                              |

Version: 1.5.1.dev3 (latest: current)
License: This module does not require a license.
| N | Test name                     | Status | Failure reason                                                                |
| 1 | test available images         | OK     |                                                                               |
| 2 | test cloud manager connection | OK     |                                                                               |
| 3 | test connection to neutron    | OK     |                                                                               |
| 4 | test dashboard installed      | OK     |                                                                               |
| 5 | test localization files       | FAIL   | Localization files are missing:                                               |
|   |                               |        | /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/openstack_auth/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/django.mo |
|   |                               |        | Please run `python3 /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/manage.py compilemessages` |
| 6 | test migrations applied       | OK     |                                                                               |
| 7 | test monitor connection       | OK     |                                                                               |
| 8 | test rs server connection     | OK     |                                                                               |
| 9 | test scheduler connection     | OK     |                                                                               |
Ran 9 in 1.222s
FAIL (success=8, failures=1, errors=0))

Journal extracted variables
| N  | Variable name                  | Value                                                                            |
| 1  | api.host                       |                                                                          |
| 2  | api.logfile                    | /var/log/aos/journal/api.log                                                     |
| 3  | api.port                       | 9360                                                                             |
| 4  | database.max_overflow          | 50                                                                               |
| 5  | database.max_pool_size         | 5                                                                                |
| 6  | database.max_retries           | 5                                                                                |
| 7  | database.pool_recycle          | 3600                                                                             |
| 8  | database.pool_timeout          | 30                                                                               |
| 9  | database.retry_interval        | 2                                                                                |
| 10 | database.url                   | mysql+pymysql://aos:******@ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:3306/journal?charset=utf8 |
| 11 | listener.keystone_rabbit_vhost | /                                                                                |
| 12 | listener.logfile               | /var/log/aos/journal/listener.log                                                |
| 13 | listener.nova_rabbit_vhost     | /                                                                                |
| 14 | os_api.glance_api_version      | 2                                                                                |
| 15 | os_api.gnocchi_api_version     | 1                                                                                |
| 16 | traceback_enabled              | False                                                                            |
Version: 1.4.1.dev4 (latest: current)
License: This module does not require a license.
| N | Test name                             | Status | Failure reason |
| 1 | test journal api connection           | OK     |                |
| 2 | test journal api service registration | OK     |                |
| 3 | test journal systemd services         | OK     |                |
| 4 | test migrations applied               | OK     |                |
Ran 4 in 0.603s
OK (success=4, failures=0, errors=0))

Monitor extracted variables
| N  | Variable name                | Value                                                                                                                 |
| 1  | api.audit_enabled            | True                                                                                                                  |
| 2  | api.host                     |                                                                                                               |
| 3  | api.logfile                  | /var/log/aos/monitor/api.log                                                                                          |
| 4  | api.port                     | 9363                                                                                                                  |
| 5  | ceilometer_meters            | network.incoming.packets, network.outgoing.bytes, memory.usage, cpu, network.outgoing.packets, network.incoming.bytes |
| 6  | database.max_overflow        | 50                                                                                                                    |
| 7  | database.max_pool_size       | 5                                                                                                                     |
| 8  | database.max_retries         | 5                                                                                                                     |
| 9  | database.pool_recycle        | 3600                                                                                                                  |
| 10 | database.pool_timeout        | 30                                                                                                                    |
| 11 | database.retry_interval      | 2                                                                                                                     |
| 12 | database.url                 | mysql+pymysql://aos:******@ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:3306/monitor?charset=utf8                                      |
| 13 | enable_backup                | False                                                                                                                 |
| 14 | enable_ceilometer_monitoring | True                                                                                                                  |
| 15 | enable_tkcontrol             | False                                                                                                                 |
| 16 | enable_zabbix_monitoring     | True                                                                                                                  |
| 17 | listener.logfile             | /var/log/aos/monitor/listener.log                                                                                     |
| 18 | listener.nova_rabbit_vhost   | /                                                                                                                     |
| 19 | os_api.glance_api_version    | 2                                                                                                                     |
| 20 | os_api.gnocchi_api_version   | 1                                                                                                                     |
| 21 | sentry.enabled               | False                                                                                                                 |
| 22 | sentry.log_level             | CRITICAL                                                                                                              |
| 23 | traceback_enabled            | False                                                                                                                 |
| 24 | zabbix.host_group            | aos                                                                                                                   |
| 25 | zabbix.password              | ******                                                                                                                |
| 26 | zabbix.url                   | http://localhost/zabbix                                                                                               |
| 27 | zabbix.username              | Admin                                                                                                                 |
Version: 1.4.1.dev4 (latest: current)
License: 46a5c6f069514b2eb23844ac338bed5b (valid until 15.02.2021 03:00:00)
| N  | Test name                             | Status | Failure reason                                                                                                                         |
| 1  | test config file existence            | OK     |                                                                                                                                        |
| 2  | test connection to gnocchi            | ERROR  | keystoneauth1.exceptions.catalog.EndpointNotFound: public endpoint for metric service not found                                        |
|    |                                       |        |                                                                                                                                        |
| 3  | test connection to keystone           | OK     |                                                                                                                                        |
| 4  | test connection to zabbix             | FAIL   | Could not connect to Zabbix with parameters: host_group: "aos", password: "******", url: "http://localhost/zabbix", username: "Admin". |
| 5  | test gnocchi metrics                  | ERROR  | keystoneauth1.exceptions.catalog.EndpointNotFound: public endpoint for metric service not found                                        |
|    |                                       |        |                                                                                                                                        |
| 6  | test license validity                 | OK     |                                                                                                                                        |
| 7  | test migrations applied               | OK     |                                                                                                                                        |
| 8  | test monitor api connection           | OK     |                                                                                                                                        |
| 9  | test monitor api service registration | OK     |                                                                                                                                        |
| 10 | test monitor systemd services         | OK     |                                                                                                                                        |
Ran 10 in 0.914s
FAIL (success=7, failures=1, errors=2))

RSserver extracted variables
| N  | Variable name                     | Value                                                                              |
| 1  | api.audit_enabled                 | True                                                                               |
| 2  | api.host                          |                                                                            |
| 3  | api.logfile                       | /var/log/aos/rs-server/api.log                                                     |
| 4  | api.port                          | 9364                                                                               |
| 5  | beat.max_loop_interval            | 30                                                                                 |
| 6  | beat.sync_every                   | 60                                                                                 |
| 7  | broker.allow_getvm_log            | False                                                                              |
| 8  | broker.burst_connect              | False                                                                              |
| 9  | broker.getvm_logfile              | /var/log/aos/rs-server/trs_requests.log                                            |
| 10 | broker.ip_cache_ttl               | 3600                                                                               |
| 11 | broker.otp_sender_method          | telegram                                                                           |
| 12 | broker.power_state_monitor        | False                                                                              |
| 13 | broker.request_mode               | single                                                                             |
| 14 | broker.request_pending_timeout    | 60                                                                                 |
| 15 | broker.request_processing_timeout | 360                                                                                |
| 16 | broker.requests_ttl               | 3600                                                                               |
| 17 | broker.security_group             | True                                                                               |
| 18 | broker.spice_enabled              | False                                                                              |
| 19 | broker.user_groups_enabled        | True                                                                               |
| 20 | broker_api.audit_enabled          | True                                                                               |
| 21 | broker_api.logfile                | /var/log/aos/rs-server/broker-api.log                                              |
| 22 | broker_api.use_rs_token           | ******                                                                             |
| 23 | broker_api.web_guard              | False                                                                              |
| 24 | database.max_overflow             | 50                                                                                 |
| 25 | database.max_pool_size            | 5                                                                                  |
| 26 | database.max_retries              | 5                                                                                  |
| 27 | database.pool_recycle             | 3600                                                                               |
| 28 | database.pool_timeout             | 30                                                                                 |
| 29 | database.retry_interval           | 2                                                                                  |
| 30 | database.url                      | mysql+pymysql://aos:******@ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:3306/rs_server?charset=utf8 |
| 31 | default_availability_zone         | nova                                                                               |
| 32 | listener.cinder_rabbit_vhost      | /                                                                                  |
| 33 | listener.keystone_rabbit_vhost    | /                                                                                  |
| 34 | listener.logfile                  | /var/log/aos/rs-server/listener.log                                                |
| 35 | listener.neutron_rabbit_vhost     | /                                                                                  |
| 36 | listener.nova_rabbit_vhost        | /                                                                                  |
| 37 | project_sync.enabled              | True                                                                               |
| 38 | project_sync.logfile              | /var/log/aos/rs-server/project-syncer.log                                          |
| 39 | project_sync.sync_interval        | 600                                                                                |
| 40 | sentry.enabled                    | False                                                                              |
| 41 | sentry.log_level                  | CRITICAL                                                                           |
| 42 | traceback_enabled                 | False                                                                              |
| 43 | web.compress_enabled              | True                                                                               |
| 44 | web.debug                         | True                                                                               |
| 45 | web.memcache_location             | localhost:11211                                                                    |
Version: 1.4.1.dev5 (latest: current)
License: 46a5c6f069514b2eb23844ac338bed5b (valid until 15.02.2021 03:00:00)
| N  | Test name                               | Status  | Failure reason                                           |
| 1  | test apache config enabled              | OK      |                                                          |
| 2  | test apache config existence            | OK      |                                                          |
| 3  | test config file existence              | OK      |                                                          |
| 4  | test connection to keystone             | OK      |                                                          |
| 5  | test connection to nova                 | OK      |                                                          |
| 6  | test license validity                   | OK      |                                                          |
| 7  | test migrations applied                 | OK      |                                                          |
| 8  | test profiler log file accesses         | SKIPPED | This test is only relevant when LOG_LEVEL is DEBUG.      |
| 9  | test redis connection                   | OK      |                                                          |
| 10 | test registered celery tasks            | OK      |                                                          |
| 11 | test request vm log file accesses       | SKIPPED | This test is only relevant when ALLOW_GETVM_LOG is True. |
| 12 | test rs api                             | OK      |                                                          |
| 13 | test rs server api connection           | OK      |                                                          |
| 14 | test rs server api service registration | OK      |                                                          |
| 15 | test rs server systemd services         | OK      |                                                          |
| 16 | test rs web                             | OK      |                                                          |
Ran 16 in 3.314s
OK (success=14, failures=0, errors=0))

Scheduler extracted variables
| N  | Variable name              | Value                                                                              |
| 1  | api.logfile                | /var/log/aos/scheduler/api.log                                                     |
| 2  | beat.logfile               | /var/log/aos/scheduler/beat.log                                                    |
| 3  | beat.max_loop_interval     | 30                                                                                 |
| 4  | beat.sync_every            | 60                                                                                 |
| 5  | database.url               | mysql+pymysql://aos:******@ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:3306/scheduler?charset=utf8 |
| 6  | os_api.glance_api_version  | 2                                                                                  |
| 7  | os_api.gnocchi_api_version | 1                                                                                  |
| 8  | sentry.enabled             | False                                                                              |
| 9  | sentry.log_level           | CRITICAL                                                                           |
| 10 | task_locale                | en                                                                                 |
| 11 | time_zone                  | Europe/Moscow                                                                      |
| 12 | traceback_enabled          | False                                                                              |
Version: 1.4.1.dev5 (latest: N\A)
License: This module does not require a license.
| N | Test name                               | Status | Failure reason |
| 1 | test config file existence              | OK     |                |
| 2 | test connection to keystone             | OK     |                |
| 3 | test connection to rabbit               | OK     |                |
| 4 | test migrations applied                 | OK     |                |
| 5 | test registered tasks to schedule       | OK     |                |
| 6 | test scheduler api connection           | OK     |                |
| 7 | test scheduler api service registration | OK     |                |
| 8 | test scheduler systemd services         | OK     |                |
Ran 8 in 1.757s
OK (success=8, failures=0, errors=0))

Ran 70 in 19.329s
FAIL (success=56, failures=7, errors=2)

Getting the latest self-test results

Displaying the last saved report for the current user:

openstack aos tests --show-last


You must have a previously saved self-test report to receive the command result.

Uploading self-test results to a file

It is required to specify the flag of saving to a file and the directory where the results will be exported to output diagnostics to a file:

openstack aos tests --save-file --file-dir /tmp/self-diagnostic

Diagnostic file will be created in /tmp/self-diagnostic directory as a result of the command.

Running self-test and skip successful tests


openstack aos tests --errors-only --modules

Example of response:

Modules diagnostic started.
Running tests for: client, cloud_manager, dashboard, journal, monitor, rs_server, scheduler

| Start date and time | Thu Dec 24 17:03:55 2020 GMT                                                                 |
| OpenStack version   | Train (20.4.1)                                                                               |
| Hostname            | ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc                                                                  |
| Distribution        | debian 10                                                                                    |
| Conductor nodes     | 1                                                                                            |
| Compute nodes       | 2                                                                                            |
| Database            | b'mysql  Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.3.27-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 5.2' |
| Packages source     | pypi-dev.tnxos.loc                                                                           |
Version: 1.5.1.dev5 (latest: 1.5.1.dev7)
License: This module does not require a license.
| N | Test name                                 | Status  | Failure reason                                                                                                              |
| 6 | test modules versions                     | FAIL    | Versions of the installed modules can be incompatible. You need to use the same major and minor version of the all modules. |
| 7 | test nova journal middleware              | FAIL    | Failed to read config file: /etc/nova/api-paste.ini                                                                         |
| 8 | test nova scheduler filter                | FAIL    | Failed to read config file: /etc/nova/nova.conf                                                                             |
| 9 | test valid openstack version              | FAIL    | Common packages:                                                                                                            |
|   |                                           |         | automaton==1.15.0. Required automaton>=1.17.0,<=1.17.0                                                                      |
Ran 9 in 9.805s
FAIL (success=4, failures=4, errors=0))

Version: 1.5.1.dev3 (latest: current)
License: This module does not require a license.
| N | Test name                     | Status | Failure reason                                                                |
| 5 | test localization files       | FAIL   | Localization files are missing:                                               |
|   |                               |        | /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/openstack_auth/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/django.mo |
|   |                               |        | Please run `python3 /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/manage.py compilemessages` |
Ran 9 in 1.222s
FAIL (success=8, failures=1, errors=0))

Version: 1.4.1.dev4 (latest: current)
License: 46a5c6f069514b2eb23844ac338bed5b (valid until 15.02.2021 03:00:00)
| N  | Test name                             | Status | Failure reason                                                                                                                         |
| 2  | test connection to gnocchi            | ERROR  | keystoneauth1.exceptions.catalog.EndpointNotFound: public endpoint for metric service not found                                        |
|    |                                       |        |                                                                                                                                        |
| 4  | test connection to zabbix             | FAIL   | Could not connect to Zabbix with parameters: host_group: "aos", password: "******", url: "http://localhost/zabbix", username: "Admin". |
| 5  | test gnocchi metrics                  | ERROR  | keystoneauth1.exceptions.catalog.EndpointNotFound: public endpoint for metric service not found                                        |
|    |                                       |        |                                                                                                                                        |
Ran 10 in 0.914s
FAIL (success=7, failures=1, errors=2))

Ran 70 in 19.329s
FAIL (success=56, failures=7, errors=2)

Running self-test in verbose mode

List of used parameters is displayed in verbose mode.


openstack aos tests --names cloud_manager --verbose

Example of response:

Openstack platform diagnostic started.
System info:
| Start date and time      | Thu Dec 24 17:03:53 2020 GMT                                                                  |
| Inactive services        | apache-htcacheclean, nova-novncproxy, nova-serialproxy, nova-xenvncproxy, rtslib-fb-targetctl |
| Database names           | Failed to get database names. Please run command as root.                                     |
| Rabbit users             | Failed to get RabbitMQ info. Please run command as root.                                      |
| Rabbit virtual hosts     | Failed to get RabbitMQ info. Please run command as root.                                      |
| Rabbit limits            | Failed to get RabbitMQ info. Please run command as root.                                      |
| Apache config parameters | Failed to get Apache configs info. Please run command as root.                                |
| Apache MPM               | worker                                                                                        |

OpenStack services:
| ID                               | Name          | Type          | Description             | Enabled |
| 08a2e1c4b9c14b34875494112e6d21e7 | nova          | compute       | OpenStack Compute       | True    |
| 3a1c5c18649e4c8ba43c4f0139db8bd6 | keystone      | identity      |                         | True    |
| 438a1a9df13d42d7b028edbd0c9bbe7f | placement     | placement     | Placement API           | True    |
| 4915269ef8684e14b094d097712614db | journal       | journal       | Journal service         | True    |
| 5a7ddde01b5f423981e1e74d64a04f91 | cloud-manager | cloud-manager | CloudManager service    | True    |
| 959cfe4591114c61be5663a2533ac067 | neutron       | network       | OpenStack Networking    | True    |
| 9bdfb117fcca46af8a0a1dc06688a817 | scheduler     | scheduler     | Scheduler service       | True    |
| 9cdf72ad46814e9aadfa411be9108862 | cinderv3      | volumev3      | OpenStack Block Storage | True    |
| c7ca1b4c707744619007c6f8bb4176ad | glance        | image         | OpenStack Image         | True    |
| f50f3e61b2a34bbeaf8ed91208c6080d | rs-server     | rs-server     | RSserver service        | True    |
| faaf147b97694e448fdb1a3e774edfa1 | monitor       | monitor       | Monitor service         | True    |
| fc9afe28ef55420294b3d7d042a690e4 | cinderv2      | volumev2      | OpenStack Block Storage | True    |

| ID                                   | Name     | Subnets                              |
| 17c9baef-bc69-4964-abe3-d6771bb0be57 | localnet | 519e6ae8-951f-4ff5-b027-c34173040e2f |
| 3800711f-4852-446c-acad-47e0c69f447f | provider | d6194026-16e8-4984-9921-d966b99274e8 |

| ID                                   | Name        | CIDR           | Dns nameservers | Gateway ip   | Allocation pools                       |
| 519e6ae8-951f-4ff5-b027-c34173040e2f | localsubnet | |      |  | start:, end: |
| d6194026-16e8-4984-9921-d966b99274e8 | provider    |  |      | | start:, end:  |

| ID                                   | Name       | Status | Project                          |
| ebfacc92-45ba-4da3-bb83-82f0f6b09270 | ext-router | ACTIVE | 987799d9971e4455ad0ecf7e9423cd2d |

| ID                                   | Name          | Status |
| ffe0c09c-581b-4473-8750-e164e055e3ea | debian10cloud | active |
| 057a36f2-2407-47db-841c-9051d4ae7eed | cirros        | active |

OpenStack services check:
| Service       | URL                                       | Supported versions |
| scheduler     | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:10001/ | -                  |
| cloud-manager | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9362/  | -                  |
| nova          | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8774/  | v2.1: current      |
|               |                                           | v2.0: supported    |
| neutron       | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9696/  | v2.0: current      |
| cinderv3      | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8776/  | v3.0: current      |
|               |                                           | v2.0: deprecated   |
| placement     | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8778/  | v1.0: current      |
| journal       | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9360/  | -                  |
| keystone      | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:5000/  | v3.13: stable      |
| monitor       | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9363/  | -                  |
| glance        | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9292/  | v2.9: current      |
|               |                                           | v2.7: supported    |
|               |                                           | v2.6: supported    |
|               |                                           | v2.5: supported    |
|               |                                           | v2.4: supported    |
|               |                                           | v2.3: supported    |
|               |                                           | v2.2: supported    |
|               |                                           | v2.1: supported    |
|               |                                           | v2.0: supported    |
| cinderv2      | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8776/  | v3.0: current      |
|               |                                           | v2.0: deprecated   |
| rs-server     | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9364/  | -                  |

OpenStack endpoints:
| Service       | Interface | Region    | URL                                                       |
| cinderv2      | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8776/v2/%(project_id)s |
| cinderv2      | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8776/v2/%(project_id)s |
| cinderv2      | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8776/v2/%(project_id)s |
| cinderv3      | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8776/v3/%(project_id)s |
| cinderv3      | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8776/v3/%(project_id)s |
| cinderv3      | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8776/v3/%(project_id)s |
| cloud-manager | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9362                   |
| cloud-manager | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9362                   |
| cloud-manager | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9362                   |
| glance        | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9292                   |
| glance        | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9292                   |
| glance        | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9292                   |
| journal       | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9360                   |
| journal       | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9360                   |
| journal       | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9360                   |
| keystone      | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:5000/v3/               |
| keystone      | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:5000/v3/               |
| keystone      | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:5000/v3/               |
| monitor       | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9363                   |
| monitor       | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9363                   |
| monitor       | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9363                   |
| neutron       | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9696                   |
| neutron       | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9696                   |
| neutron       | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9696                   |
| nova          | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8774/v2.1              |
| nova          | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8774/v2.1              |
| nova          | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8774/v2.1              |
| placement     | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8778                   |
| placement     | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8778                   |
| placement     | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:8778                   |
| rs-server     | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9364                   |
| rs-server     | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9364                   |
| rs-server     | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:9364                   |
| scheduler     | admin     | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:10001                  |
| scheduler     | internal  | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:10001                  |
| scheduler     | public    | RegionOne | http://ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:10001                  |

| ID                               | Name    | Enabled | Description        |
| db9d1d73a3ed4f3ead3bb259732d6ab8 | tionix  | True    |                    |
| default                          | Default | True    | The default domain |

Modules diagnostic started.
Running tests for: cloud_manager

 CloudManager extracted variables
 | N  | Variable name                             | Value                                                                                  |
 | 1  | agent.enabled                             | False                                                                                  |
 | 2  | agent.logfile                             | /var/log/aos/cloud-manager/agent.log                                                   |
 | 3  | api.audit_enabled                         | True                                                                                   |
 | 4  | api.host                                  |                                                                                |
 | 5  | api.logfile                               | /var/log/aos/cloud-manager/api.log                                                     |
 | 6  | api.port                                  | 9362                                                                                   |
 | 7  | api_auth.memcached_servers                | localhost:11211                                                                        |
 | 8  | beat.max_loop_interval                    | 30                                                                                     |
 | 9  | beat.sync_every                           | 60                                                                                     |
 | 10 | database.max_overflow                     | 50                                                                                     |
 | 11 | database.max_pool_size                    | 5                                                                                      |
 | 12 | database.max_retries                      | 5                                                                                      |
 | 13 | database.pool_recycle                     | 3600                                                                                   |
 | 14 | database.pool_timeout                     | 30                                                                                     |
 | 15 | database.retry_interval                   | 2                                                                                      |
 | 16 | database.url                              | mysql+pymysql://aos:******@ana-deb10t-ovs-01.stand.loc:3306/cloud_manager?charset=utf8 |
 | 17 | dhcp_leases                               | /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd/state/dhcpd.leases, /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases                     |
 | 18 | drs.host                                  | localhost                                                                              |
 | 19 | drs.password                              | ******                                                                                 |
 | 20 | drs.port                                  | 80                                                                                     |
 | 21 | drs.username                              | aos                                                                                    |
 | 22 | drs_trigger.enabled                       | True                                                                                   |
 | 23 | drs_trigger.logfile                       | /var/log/aos/cloud-manager/drs-trigger.log                                             |
 | 24 | drs_trigger.trigger_interval              | 600                                                                                    |
 | 25 | extra_availability_check.attempts         | 2                                                                                      |
 | 26 | extra_availability_check.delay            | 60                                                                                     |
 | 27 | extra_availability_check.enabled          | False                                                                                  |
 | 28 | extra_availability_check.instance_rate    | 100                                                                                    |
 | 29 | host_tasks.allow_evacuate_host            | True                                                                                   |
 | 30 | host_tasks.evacuation_retries             | 2                                                                                      |
 | 31 | host_tasks.prioritized_evacuation_timeout | 60                                                                                     |
 | 32 | host_tasks.recovery_priority              | 5                                                                                      |
 | 33 | host_tasks.retries_wait_for_node_state    | 240                                                                                    |
 | 34 | host_tasks.retries_wait_for_vm_status     | 60                                                                                     |
 | 35 | listener.logfile                          | /var/log/aos/cloud-manager/listener.log                                                |
 | 36 | listener.nova_rabbit_vhost                | /                                                                                      |
 | 37 | node_attachment.controller_auth_path      | /etc/aos/hybrid/admin-openrc                                                           |
 | 38 | node_attachment.controller_username       | aos                                                                                    |
 | 39 | node_attachment.host_attach_max_retries   | 10                                                                                     |
 | 40 | node_attachment.host_attach_retry_delay   | 120                                                                                    |
 | 41 | node_attachment.key_path                  | /etc/aos/hybrid/aos.crt                                                                |
 | 42 | node_sync.enabled                         | True                                                                                   |
 | 43 | node_sync.logfile                         | /var/log/aos/cloud-manager/node-syncer.log                                             |
 | 44 | node_sync.reserve_interval                | 60                                                                                     |
 | 45 | node_sync.sync_interval                   | 60                                                                                     |
 | 46 | node_tracker.allow_host_auto_power_off    | False                                                                                  |
 | 47 | node_tracker.enabled                      | True                                                                                   |
 | 48 | node_tracker.host_restart_timeout         | 600                                                                                    |
 | 49 | node_tracker.logfile                      | /var/log/aos/cloud-manager/node-tracker.log                                            |
 | 50 | node_tracker.loop_time                    | 30                                                                                     |
 | 51 | node_tracker.max_down_hosts               | 0                                                                                      |
 | 52 | node_tracker.mutex                        | 3                                                                                      |
 | 53 | node_tracker.mutex_up                     | 1                                                                                      |
 | 54 | node_tracker.timeout_reserv_node_up       | 15                                                                                     |
 | 55 | power.shutdown_interval                   | 30                                                                                     |
 | 56 | power.shutdown_max_tick                   | 10                                                                                     |
 | 57 | pxe.conf_dir                              | /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/                                                        |
 | 58 | sentry.enabled                            | False                                                                                  |
 | 59 | sentry.log_level                          | CRITICAL                                                                               |
 | 60 | storage_sync.enabled                      | True                                                                                   |
 | 61 | storage_sync.logfile                      | /var/log/aos/cloud-manager/storage-syncer.log                                          |
 | 62 | storage_sync.sync_interval                | 60                                                                                     |
 | 63 | traceback_enabled                         | False                                                                                  |
 Version: 1.4.1.dev15 (latest: 1.4.1.dev8)
 License: 46a5c6f069514b2eb23844ac338bed5b (valid until 15.02.2021 03:00:00)
 | N  | Test name                               | Status  | Failure reason                                                    |
 | 1  | test api connection                     | OK      |                                                                   |
 | 2  | test api service registration           | OK      |                                                                   |
 | 3  | test arp command                        | OK      |                                                                   |
 | 4  | test config file existence              | OK      |                                                                   |
 | 5  | test connection to keystone             | OK      |                                                                   |
 | 6  | test connection to nova                 | OK      |                                                                   |
 | 7  | test drs service availability           | FAIL    | DRS service is not available.                                     |
 | 8  | test leases files exist                 | SKIPPED | No leases file found. Looks like you don't have a DHCP server.    |
 | 9  | test license validity                   | OK      |                                                                   |
 | 10 | test migrations applied                 | OK      |                                                                   |
 | 11 | test ping command                       | OK      |                                                                   |
 | 12 | test pxe folder owner write permissions | SKIPPED | Folder for PXE images does not exist, check config PXE parameter. |
 | 13 | test registered celery tasks            | OK      |                                                                   |
 | 14 | test systemd services                   | OK      |                                                                   |
 Ran 14 in 1.714s
 FAIL (success=11, failures=1, errors=0))

 Ran 70 in 19.329s
 FAIL (success=56, failures=7, errors=2)