Installation and configuration



First need to do setting up the environment. All commands are executed only from superuser.

Mode superuser:

sudo -i


Installation is performed on all nodes with cinder-volume service.

  1. Install package:

    • from Python packages repository:

      pip3 install cinder-sharedlvm-driver


To install Cinder Sharedlvm Driver on Astra Linux (Smolensk) do following:

  1. Connect the provided repository with AccentOS packages.

  2. Install the package with the command:

    sudo apt install -y aos-cinder-sharedlvm-driver



It is recommended to increase the value of the rpc_response_timeout parameter in the [DEFAULT] section in configuration file /etc/cinder/cinder.conf on all Cinder nodes and value of the agent_response_timeout drivers parameter on nodes with cinder-volume for correct execution of long-term operations on volumes.

  1. Configure and start aos-agent service of lvm type on nodes with cinder-volume, cinder-backup and nova-compute services.

  2. Specify the driver as the storage backend driver in the Cinder config file /etc/cinder/cinder.conf.

    Example of configuring sanlock backend:

    volume_driver = cinder_sharedlvm_driver.driver.SharedLVMDriver
    agent_transport_url = amqp://aos:password@sanlock.stand.loc/aos
    volume_group = vol
    lvm_type = default
    lvm_mirrors = 0
    agent_response_timeout = 60
    token_auth_url = http://sanlock.stand.loc:5000
    auth_section = keystone_authtoken
    auth_type = password
  3. cinder-volume service restart:

    # Debian:
    systemctl restart cinder-volume.service

Driver parameters

Driver extends standard LVM driver parameters in Cinder config file /etc/cinder/cinder.conf with additional:

Section Parameter Description Default value
[sanlock] agent_transport_url

Connection parameters to the message server AMQP. Example: amqp://aos:password@controller:5672/aos, where aos is vhost name in RabbitMQ in this case.


If there are special characters in the login and password, they should be replaced with the corresponding URL codes. Example: passw#ordpassw%23ord.

[sanlock] agent_response_timeout Maximum time to wait for a response from aos-agent service. 60
[sanlock] agent_confirm_timeout Maximum time to wait for confirmation of response from aos-agent service. 10
[nova] token_auth_url Nova service connection parameters. Example: http://sanlock.stand.loc:5000.  
[nova] auth_section Section of Keystone configuration file used for authorization. keystone_authtoken
[nova] auth_type Authorization type. password


It is necessary to fill in parameters of section [nova] for the driver to work correctly.


Section name [sanlock] is the name of Cinder backend and may differ in each case.