Configuration file


Parameter configuration is located in the sig section of the file /etc/aos/agent.conf.

Configuration file consists of sections:

Section Parameter Description Default value
sig signature_check_interval Verification period for signed directories. 60
sig verifier_config_path Path to the integrity monitoring system configuration file. /etc/afick/afick.conf
sig vm_configs_filepath Path to files with descriptions of instances. /etc/libvirt/qemu/
sig sign_config_opts Templates for adding to the integrity control system. /usr/share/qemu PARSEC, /usr/share/seabios PARSEC, /usr/share/OVMF PARSEC, /etc/libvirt/qemu/ PARSEC
sig system_check_dir Path to directories with BIOS of instances. /usr/share/qemu , /usr/share/seabios , /usr/share/OVMF
sig destroy_vm Disabling instances when integrity is violated. True


Configuration of the parameters of the periodic task of checking the service status is located in the sig_validation section of the file /etc/aos/cloud_manager.conf.

Configuration file consists of sections:

Section Parameter Description Default value
sig_validation enabled Enabling the periodic task of checking the status of the sig service. True
sig_validation sync_interval Frequency of the scanning task launch interval in seconds. 60
sig_validation lock_timeout Duration of blocking the restart of asynchronous scanning tasks in case of a system failure, in seconds. 70
sig_validation confirm_timeout Timeout waiting for a response from the message broker indicating that the message has been accepted on the side of the service being checked. 10
sig_validation timeout Total duration of all timeouts waiting for a response from the service being checked. 60