System requirements

Scheduler requires configured, functional and available components to install and operate:

  1. System on OpenStack Antelope platform;
  2. Python version 3.7 and higher;
  3. SQL database, for example, MySQL;
  4. Broker messages RabbitMQ and task queue Celery;
  5. pip3 package management system.


# keep synced with
# Order matters
# keep our modules at the very top
Django<=3.2.18  # u-c
celery<=5.3.6  # rs-server cloud-manager
vine<=5.0.0  # u-c
kombu>=5.2.4  # mq
django-celery-results~=2.5.1  # None
django-celery-beat~=2.5.0  # None
amqp~=5.1.1  # u-c
djangorestframework~=3.14.0  # None
pytz<=2023.3  # u-c
PyYAML>=5.1,<=6.0.0  # agent journal u-c
PyMySQL>=0.7.6,<=1.0.3  # rs-server journal cloud-manager u-c
eventlet>=0.30.1,!=0.32.0,<=0.33.3  # mq agent rs-server journal cloud-manager g-r u-c
requests~=2.31.0  # cloud-manager rs-server
setuptools>=65.5.1  # g-r warning: NOT set an upper bound on setuptools, as that will lead to uninstallable
keystoneauth1~=5.3.0  # cloud-manager rs-server u-c
python-dateutil~=2.8.2  # cloud-manager u-c
gunicorn~=20.1.0  # rs-server u-c
python-memcached~=1.59  # rs-server journal cloud-manager u-c

Module functional dependencies

There are no obligate prerequisites for installation, but components are required for all available functions of the Scheduler module to work:

  1. Access to configured, functioning module RSserver.

    It allows to use the function of scheduling tasks for TRS projects and TRS instances.

  2. Access to configured, functioning module CloudManager.

    It allows to use the function of scheduling tasks for hypervisors.