Console utilities

Client extends the console utility Openstack with additional commands.

Execute for a list of available commands:

openstack aos --help


Output of messages with the level logging WARNING and below is disabled by default. It is need to set log level and run the command with the --verbose flag to enable verbose output.

OpenStackClient Authentication

Global utility arguments Openstack are used for authentication.


Utility authentication arguments are optional. Parameters take values (by priority) from:

  • utility arguments;
  • parameters in the environment, for example OS_USERNAME;
  • /etc/aos/aos.conf config file;
  • default values.
Command arguments Environment parameters Description
--os-username OS_USERNAME Username for authorization in Keystone service. Example: --os-username admin.
--os-password OS_PASSWORD Password for authorization in Keystone service. Example: --os-password password.
--os-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL URL to access Keystone service. Example: --os-auth-url http://localhost:5000.
--os-project-name OS_PROJECT_NAME Project name. Example: --os-project-name admin.
--os-compute-service-name OS_COMPUTE_SERVICE_NAME Nova service name. Example: --os-compute-service-name compute.
--os-compute-api-version OS_COMPUTE_API_VERSION Version of Nova REST API. Example: --os-compute-api-version 2.
--os-project-domain-name OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME Project domain name. Example: --os-project-domain-name default.
--os-user-domain-name OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME User domain name. Example: --os-user-domain-name default.

Execute for getting of detailed arguments description:

openstack --help

Displaying information about licenses and versions of installed modules


openstack aos modules list

Output example:

openstack aos modules list

   |Module name   |Description                           |Version    |License start date |License end date   |License status|
   |CloudManager  |CloudManager is a module that extends | 0.1.0     |16.04.2020 09:43:03|15.02.2021 03:00:00|Valid         |
   |              |the functions of the OpenStackplatform|           |                   |                   |              |
   |              |related to the management of hardware |           |                   |                   |              |
   |              |resources of the cloud infrastructure |           |                   |                   |              |
   |              |- computing nodes.                    |           |                   |                   |              |
   |Clouds        |Clouds is a module that provides the  |-          |-                  |-                  |-             |
   |              |ability to integrate with public      |           |                   |                   |              |
   |              |clouds,in particular AWS.             |           |                   |                   |              |
   |Monitor       |Monitor is a module that extends the  |0.1.0      |16.04.2020 09:43:03|15.02.2021 03:00:00|Valid         |
   |              |functions of the OpenStack platform   |           |                   |                   |              |
   |              |related to obtaining statistics on the|           |                   |                   |              |
   |              |main performance characteristics of   |           |                   |                   |              |
   |              |instances.                            |           |                   |                   |              |
   |RSserver      |RSserver is a remote desktop          |0.1.0      |16.04.2020 09:43:03|15.02.2021 03:00:00|Valid         |
   |              |management module.                    |           |                   |                   |              |
   |Scheduler     |Scheduler is a module that provides   |0.1.0      |-                  |-                  |-             |
   |              |delayed launch of functions of other  |           |                   |                   |              |
   |              |modules or the OpenStack platform.    |           |                   |                   |              |
   |OTPsender     |OTPsender is a module that provides   |0.0.1.dev24|-                  |-                  |-             |
   |              |functional for the delivery of        |           |                   |                   |              |
   |              |one-time password to user.            |           |                   |                   |              |
   |Journal       |Journal is a module that provides     |0.1.0      |-                  |-                  |-             |
   |              |functionality for logging actions on  |           |                   |                   |              |
   |              |cloud objects.                        |           |                   |                   |              |
   |Dashboard     |Dashboard is a module that complements|0.1.0      |-                  |-                  |-             |
   |              |the standard OpenStack functionality  |           |                   |                   |              |
   |              |with graphical tools for using        |           |                   |                   |              |
   |              |AccentOS modules.                     |           |                   |                   |              |
   |DashboardOcean|AccentOs theme for Dashboard module.  |1.10.1.dev4|-                  |-                  |-             |
   |DashboardTheme|AccentOs theme for Dashboard module.  |1.10.1.dev3|-                  |-                  |-             |
   |Client        |Client is a service module, necessary |0.1.0      |-                  |-                  |-             |
   |              |to provide access to the functionality|           |                   |                   |              |
   |              |of AccentOS modules.                  |           |                   |                   |              |
   |RSclient      |RSclient is a module that provides a  |-          |-                  |-                  |-             |
   |              |convenient desktop client interface   |           |                   |                   |              |
   |              |for working with TRS instances.       |           |                   |                   |              |


Detailed description is available in section Licensing.