How to recover a host after an erroneous decommissioning?


If the decommissioned host is disabled, it must be enabled!

In the event of an erroneous decommissioning of host, the following steps must be taken:

  1. Check the status of the nova-compute service with the command:

    systemctl is-enabled nova-compute

    If the status of the service is disabled, enable it with the command:

    systemctl enable nova-compute
  2. Restart the nova-compute service with the command:

    systemctl restart nova-compute


If the hypervisor was not removed from the list during decommissioning, its service may remain marked as disabled in the system after the above operations. In this case, you should force it to turn on.

Execute via openstack command line client:

openstack compute service list
openstack compute service set --enable HOST nova-compute