
You need token to access REST API. Receiving a token is described in tab with additional information.

RS server API

It provides API for managing remote desktops.

Module information

Detailed information about module.

Getting detailed information about module.
Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:9364/v1/info | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
version (Optional) body string Module version number.
license (Optional) body string License information.

Example of getting information about module in JSON format:

    "info": {
        "license": {
            "created_at": 1538141220,
            "expire_at": 1545955200,
            "module_package": "rs_server",
            "name": "Laboratoria",
            "product": "RSserver",
            "surrogate_name": "RSserver",
            "unique_id": "07-002-decf3c6c893561752802",
            "verified": true
        "version": "0.1.0"

TRS projects

Actions with TRS projects.

Creating TRS project.

Creating new TRS project with given parameters.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
name body string Project name, unique within the domain.
enabled (Optional) body bool Project status (enabled/disabled).
description (Optional) body string Project description.
parent_id (Optional) body string Parent project/domain ID.
is_domain (Optional) body string Flag indicating the ability to use the project as domain.
tags (Optional) body string Project tags list.
domain_id (Optional) body string Project domain ID.
flavor_id body string Project flavor ID.
image_id body string Project image ID.
operation_mode (Optional) body string

Operating mode of TRS instances of the project. Possible values:

  • 1 - Standard;
  • 2 - Simultaneous.
network_id (Optional) body string Project network ID.
availability_zone (Optional) body string Project availability zone.
instance_init_script (Optional) body string Base64 encoded script. It is executed when all TRS instances in the project are created..
min_reserve_vm (Optional) body integer Minimum number of reserved instances in the project. Default value is None.
instance_name_pattern (Optional) body string Instance name pattern.
user_volume_enabled (Optional) body string Flag enabling automatic creation of custom volumes when connected to instance.
volume_size (Optional) body int Volume size.
volume_type_id (Optional) body string Volume type ID.
Request example:
curl -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"project":{"name": "test_proj","enabled": "True","description":"Test Project_2","parent_id":"37e51ab4c5134e5198788d1f6afe5b8b","domain_id":"37e51ab4c5134e5198788d1f6afe5b8b","flavor_id": "25a8679f-582a-4f7c-b9c2-286a60bedb76","image_id": "bdd277be-ebf3-4ff7-8c05-c6f20cbddd61","network_id": "39523179-37b5-4fd7-bf14-a1f7134a6b1f","operation_mode": "2", "availability_zone": "nova"}}' http://controller:9364/v1/projects/ | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
id (Optional) body string Project ID.

Example result in JSON format:

    "project": {
        "id": "d394da7c4d0747bd879e0e865222b3d9",
Editing TRS project.

Editing TRS TRS project parameters.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
project_id path string Project ID.
name (Optional) body string Project name, unique within the domain.
enabled (Optional) body bool Project status (enabled/disabled).
description (Optional) body string Project description.
domain_id (Optional) body string Project domain ID.
tags (Optional) body string Project tags list.
flavor_id (Optional) body string Project flavor ID.
image_id (Optional) body string Project image ID.
network_id (Optional) body string Project network ID.
availability_zone (Optional) body string Project availability zone.
instance_init_script (Optional) body string Base64 encoded script. It is executed when all TRS instances in the project are created..
min_reserve_vm (Optional) body integer Minimum number of reserved instances in the project. Default value is None.
instance_name_pattern (Optional) body string Instance name pattern.
user_volume_enabled (Optional) body string Flag enabling automatic creation of custom volumes when connected to instance.
volume_size (Optional) body int Volume size.
volume_type_id (Optional) body string Volume type ID.
Request example:
curl -X PUT -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"project":{"name": "new name","enabled": "False","description":"Test Project_2","flavor_id": "25a8679f-582a-4f7c-b9c2-286a60bedb76","image_id": "bdd277be-ebf3-4ff7-8c05-c6f20cbddd61","network_id": "39523179-37b5-4fd7-bf14-a1f7134a6b1f", "availability_zone": "nova", "instance_init_script": "IyEvYmluL3NoCmVjaG8gJ0hlbGxvIGZyb20gdGhlIGRldiB0ZWFtISc="}}' http://controller:9364/v1/projects/5f62c4da73f34e869d9a3e8ab79b147a | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
id (Optional) body string Project ID.
flavor_id (Optional) body string Project flavor ID.
image_id (Optional) body string Project image ID.
network_id (Optional) body string Project network ID.
availability_zone (Optional) body string Project availability zone.
operation_mode (Optional) body string

Operating mode of TRS instances of the project. Possible values:

  • 1 - Standard;
  • 2 - Simultaneous.
instance_init_script (Optional) body string Base64 encoded script. It is executed when all TRS instances in the project are created..
user_volume_enabled (Optional) body string Flag enabling automatic creation of custom volumes when connected to instance.
volume_size (Optional) body int Volume size.
volume_type_id (Optional) body string Volume type ID.

Example result in JSON format:

    "project": {
        "id": "d394da7c4d0747bd879e0e865222b3d9",
        "image_id": "bdd277be-ebf3-4ff7-8c05-c6f20cbddd61",
        "flavor_id": "25a8679f-582a-4f7c-b9c2-286a60bedb76",
        "network_id": "39523179-37b5-4fd7-bf14-a1f7134a6b1f",
        "availability_zone": "nova",
        "operation_mode": "1",
        "instance_init_script": "IyEvYmluL3NoCmVjaG8gJ0hlbGxvIGZyb20gdGhlIGRldiB0ZWFtISc=",
        "user_volume_enabled": true,
        "volume_size": 1,
        "volume_type_id": null
Getting list of TRS projects.

Getting list of TRS projects (tenants).

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
name (Optional) body string Project name, unique within the domain.
enabled (Optional) body bool Project status (enabled/disabled).
domain (Optional) body string Project domain name.
user (Optional) body string User ID.
operation_mode (Optional) body string

Operating mode of TRS instances of the project. Possible values:

  • 1 - Standard;
  • 2 - Simultaneous.
with_os_object (Optional) path bool Parameter that allows to extend the response with os_project object containing attributes of OpenStack instance.
Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:9364/v1/projects/ | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
id (Optional) body string Project ID.
image_id (Optional) body string Project image ID.
flavor_id (Optional) body string Project flavor ID.
network_id (Optional) body string Project network ID.
availability_zone (Optional) body string Project availability zone.
operation_mode (Optional) body string

Operating mode of TRS instances of the project. Possible values:

  • 1 - Standard;
  • 2 - Simultaneous.
os_project (Optional) body object OpenStack project.

Example result in JSON format:

    "projects": [
            "id": "d394da7c4d0747bd879e0e865222b3d9",
            "image_id": "d91232fa-14ad-4e41-980a-d82dc9ea3929",
            "flavor_id": "0972fadc-6f8d-415a-b4cb-d4a0992b2370",
            "network_id": "2506940c-22f9-4b81-a865-9aa6e7d7cba3",
            "availability_zone": "nova",
            "operation_mode": "1",
            "user_volume_enabled": true,
            "volume_size": 1,
            "volume_type_id": null
            "id": "37e51ab4c5134e5198788d1f6afe5b8b",
            "image_id": "747488c2-5aa6-4d92-a982-e0319bee70e1",
            "flavor_id": "fc77978d-02fb-4a53-b839-313abb7343c3",
            "network_id": "d57e3c66-69bb-46d3-af75-28c41ed1076f",
            "availability_zone": "nova",
            "operation_mode": "2",
            "user_volume_enabled": true,
            "volume_size": 1,
            "volume_type_id": null
Getting detailed information about TRS project.

Getting detailed information about TRS project.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
project_id path string Project ID.
with_os_object (Optional) path bool Parameter that allows to extend the response with os_project object containing attributes of OpenStack instance.
Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "http://controller:9364/v1/projects/$project_id?with_os_object=true" | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
id (Optional) body string Project ID.
image_id (Optional) body string Project image ID.
flavor_id (Optional) body string Project flavor ID.
network_id (Optional) body string Project network ID.
availability_zone (Optional) body string Project availability zone.
operation_mode (Optional) body string

Operating mode of TRS instances of the project. Possible values:

  • 1 - Standard;
  • 2 - Simultaneous.
instance_init_script (Optional) body string Base64 encoded script. It is executed when all TRS instances in the project are created..
min_reserve_vm (Optional) body integer Minimum number of reserved instances in the project. Default value is None.
instance_name_pattern (Optional) body string Instance name pattern.
os_project (Optional) body object OpenStack project.

Example result in JSON format:

    "project": {
        "availability_zone": "",
        "flavor_id": "41f2e2b1-d806-4688-8814-d4bedd6aee20",
        "id": "c445f25f8c7e48a99ee7985309ed6954",
        "image_id": "1e56ddcc-4d8d-42a1-8650-8a496c498e8c",
        "instance_init_script": null,
        "network_id": "3bff4756-aed7-4603-8fec-cfbe83654f14",
        "operation_mode": "1",
        "user_volume_enabled": true,
        "volume_size": 1,
        "volume_type_id": null,
        "os_project": {
            "availability_zone": "",
            "description": "",
            "domain_id": "default",
            "enabled": true,
            "flavor_id": "41f2e2b1-d806-4688-8814-d4bedd6aee20",
            "id": "c445f25f8c7e48a99ee7985309ed6954",
            "image_id": "1e56ddcc-4d8d-42a1-8650-8a496c498e8c",
            "is_domain": false,
            "links": {
                "self": "http://dev-cnt7q-ovs-02.stand.loc:5000/v3/projects/c445f25f8c7e48a99ee7985309ed6954"
            "name": "0745ee8b21a949fab34cd2d05265234c",
            "network_id": "3bff4756-aed7-4603-8fec-cfbe83654f14",
            "operation_mode": "1",
            "parent_id": "default",
            "project_type": "TRS",
            "tags": [
Getting default values.

Getting TRS projects default values from the config file: TRS instances names pattern, availability zone.

Request parameters:

Request has no parameters.

Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" "http://controller:9364/v1/projects/actions/get-settings" | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
instance_name_pattern (Optional) body string Instance name pattern.
default_availability_zone (Optional) body string Default availability zone.

Example result in JSON format:

  "project_settings": {
    "instance_name_pattern": "trs-**",
    "default_availability_zone": "nova"
Getting statistics of TRS project.

Getting statistics of TRS project.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
project_id path string Project ID.
Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "http://controller:9364/v1/projects/$project_id/statistics" | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
created_servers (Optional) body string Number of instances created.
active_servers (Optional) body string Number of active instances.
error_servers (Optional) body string Number of error instances.
created_trs_servers (Optional) body string Number of TRS instances created.
active_trs_servers (Optional) body string Number of active TRS instances.
error_trs_servers (Optional) body string Number of error TRS instances.
free_trs_servers (Optional) body string Number of free TRS instances (no associated users).
occupied_trs_servers (Optional) body string Number of occupied TRS instances.
simultaneous_trs_servers (Optional) body string Number of TRS instances for which more than one user is associated.

Example result in JSON format:

    "statistics": {
        "created_servers": 10,
        "active_servers": 8,
        "error_servers": 1,
        "created_trs_servers": 10,
        "active_trs_servers": 8,
        "error_trs_servers": 1,
        "free_trs_servers": 2,
        "occupied_trs_servers": 8,
        "simultaneous_trs_servers": 4
Automatic allocation of free instances.

Automatic allocation of free instances of project to users.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
project_id path string Project ID.
with_os_object (Optional) path bool Parameter that allows to extend the response with os_project object containing attributes of OpenStack instance.
Request example:
curl -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" http://controller:9364/v1/projects/db172307fd47470ca0cf254427d22f14/actions/auto-allocate-users
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
task_id (Optional) body string Celery task ID.

Example result in JSON format:

    "task_id": "7c8fbc6c-468d-4afb-a292-e70a3d475edc"

TRS instances

Actions with TRS instances.

Creating TRS instance.

Creating new instance with type TRS.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
name body string Instance name. The maximum length of TRS instance name must not exceed 245 characters.
count (Optional) body integer Number of instances created.
description (Optional) body string Instance description.
users (Optional) body array TRS instance users.
groups (Optional) body array Instance users groups.
Request example:
curl -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"server":{"name": "test_vm", "count": 1,"description":"Test TRS vm"}}' http://controller:9364/v1/servers/ | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
id (Optional) body string Instance ID.
reservation_id (Optional) body string Reservation ID of created instances.

Example result in JSON format:

    "servers": [
            "id": "2506940c-22f9-4b81-a865-9aa6e7d7cba3",
            "id": "0972fadc-6f8d-415a-b4cb-d4a0992b2370",
    "reservation_id": "r-vd4o1bvy"
Editing TRS instance.

Editing TRS instance parameters.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
server_id path string Instance ID.
users (Optional) body array TRS instance users.
groups (Optional) body array Instance users groups.
Request example:
curl -X PUT -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"server":{"users": ["d91232fa-14ad-4e41-980a-d82dc9ea3929", "0972fadc-6f8d-415a-b4cb-d4a0992b2370"], "groups": ["d57e3c66-69bb-46d3-af75-28c41ed1076f"]}}' http://controller:9364/v1/servers/254ba49f-584b-419d-9e86-afe9aa8a122e | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
id body string Instance ID.
project_id body string Project ID.
assigned body string Flag that indicates whether user or group is assigned to the instance.
users (Optional) body array TRS instance users.
groups (Optional) body array Instance users groups.

Example result in JSON format:

    "server": {
        "id": "2506940c-22f9-4b81-a865-9aa6e7d7cba3",
        "project_id": "3005d0d44cf84c7cbcb1ad1be83fba8f",
        "assigned": true,
        "users": ["d91232fa-14ad-4e41-980a-d82dc9ea3929",
        "groups": ["d57e3c66-69bb-46d3-af75-28c41ed1076f"]
Getting list of TRS instances.

Getting list of TRS instances.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
project_id (Optional) path string Project ID.
assigned (Optional) path string Flag that indicates whether user or group is assigned to the instance.
group (Optional) path string Instance user group.
user (Optional) path string TRS instance user.
with_os_object (Optional) path bool Parameter that allows to extend the response with os_server object containing attributes of OpenStack instance.

Parameters supporting modifiers are``project_id``, assigned.

Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:9364/v1/servers/ | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
id (Optional) body string Instance ID.
project_id body string Project ID.
assigned body string Flag that indicates whether user or group is assigned to the instance.
users (Optional) body array TRS instance users.
groups (Optional) body array Instance users groups.
os_server (Optional) body object OpenStack instance.

Example result in JSON format:

    "servers": [
            "id": "2506940c-22f9-4b81-a865-9aa6e7d7cba3",
            "project_id": "3005d0d44cf84c7cbcb1ad1be83fba8f",
            "assigned": true,
            "users": ["0972fadc-6f8d-415a-b4cb-d4a0992b2370"],
            "groups": [],
            "id": "0972fadc-6f8d-415a-b4cb-d4a0992b2370",
            "project_id": "3005d0d44cf84c7cbcb1ad1be83fba8f",
            "assigned": true,
            "users": ["2506940c-22f9-4b81-a865-9aa6e7d7cba3",
            "groups": ["d91232fa-14ad-4e41-980a-d82dc9ea3929"],
Getting detailed information about TRS instance.

Getting detailed information about TRS instance.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
server_id path string Instance ID.
with_os_object (Optional) path bool Parameter that allows to extend the response with os_server object containing attributes of OpenStack instance.
Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "http://controller:9364/v1/servers/$server_id?with_os_object=true" | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
id (Optional) body string Instance ID.
project_id body string Project ID.
assigned body string Flag that indicates whether user or group is assigned to the instance.
users (Optional) body array TRS instance users.
groups (Optional) body array Instance users groups.
os_server (Optional) body object OpenStack instance.

Example result in JSON format:

    "server": {
        "groups": [
        "id": "7ad6183a-817e-47c7-b848-741fdfbecc40",
        "project_id": "184e540c7dc74df9ba31df50e1c3daf5",
        "assigned": true,
        "os_server": {
            "OS-DCF:diskConfig": "MANUAL",
            "OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone": "test",
            "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host": null,
            "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hostname": "d2a83cd9-8ba7-4807-a29e-f59e11b7e49a-2",
            "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname": null,
            "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name": "instance-00000009",
            "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:kernel_id": "",
            "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:launch_index": 1,
            "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:ramdisk_id": "",
            "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:reservation_id": "r-sr4oac5f",
            "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:root_device_name": "/dev/vda",
            "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:user_data": null,
            "OS-EXT-STS:power_state": 0,
            "OS-EXT-STS:task_state": null,
            "OS-EXT-STS:vm_state": "active",
            "OS-SRV-USG:launched_at": null,
            "OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at": null,
            "accessIPv4": "",
            "accessIPv6": "",
            "addresses": {},
            "config_drive": "",
            "created": "2018-12-17T12:25:04Z",
            "description": null,
            "flavor": {
                "disk": 0,
                "ephemeral": 0,
                "extra_specs": {},
                "original_name": "c1_r1G_d0",
                "ram": 1024,
                "swap": 0,
                "vcpus": 1
            "hostId": "",
            "host_status": "",
            "id": "7ad6183a-817e-47c7-b848-741fdfbecc40",
            "image": {
                "id": "d0bed70d-560d-48cd-bd20-0b1818545d39",
                "links": [
                        "href": "http://dev-cnt7q-ovs-02.stand.loc:8774/ce1eaa969dd74cf0a33fe222f087533c/images/d0bed70d-560d-48cd-bd20-0b1818545d39",
                        "rel": "bookmark"
            "key_name": null,
            "links": [
                    "href": "http://dev-cnt7q-ovs-02.stand.loc:8774/v2.1/ce1eaa969dd74cf0a33fe222f087533c/servers/7ad6183a-817e-47c7-b848-741fdfbecc40",
                    "rel": "self"
                    "href": "http://dev-cnt7q-ovs-02.stand.loc:8774/ce1eaa969dd74cf0a33fe222f087533c/servers/7ad6183a-817e-47c7-b848-741fdfbecc40",
                    "rel": "bookmark"
            "locked": false,
            "metadata": {},
            "name": "d2a83cd9-8ba7-4807-a29e-f59e11b7e49a-2",
            "os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached": [],
            "progress": 0,
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "tags": [
            "tenant_id": "184e540c7dc74df9ba31df50e1c3daf5",
            "updated": "2018-12-17T12:43:06Z",
            "user_id": "cf5910a0ff0c43158c82f86a2b974b55"
        "users": [

Users and user groups of TRS instances

Managing users and user groups of TRS instances.

Assigning users to TRS instance.

Assigning users to TRS instance. All information about user assignments and cancellations is stored in database.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
server_id path string Instance ID.
users body array TRS instance users.
Request example:
curl -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"users": ["d91232fa-14ad-4e41-980a-d82dc9ea3929", "2506940c-22f9-4b81-a865-9aa6e7d7cba3"]}' http://controller:9364/v1/servers/246bc0c0-6f82-4343-8d9e-9c1ef706a3d0/users/

This operation has no response content.

Assigning user groups to TRS instance.

Assigning user groups to TRS instance. All information about user group assignments and cancellations is stored in database.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
server_id path string Instance ID.
groups body array Instance users groups.
Request example:
curl -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"groups": ["d91232fa-14ad-4e41-980a-d82dc9ea3929", "2506940c-22f9-4b81-a865-9aa6e7d7cba3"]}' http://controller:9364/v1/servers/246bc0c0-6f82-4343-8d9e-9c1ef706a3d0/groups/

This operation has no response content.

Assigning user to TRS instance.

Assigning users to TRS instances. All information about user assignments and cancellations is stored in database.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
user_id path string User ID.
servers body array User TRS instances.
Request example:
curl -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"servers": ["d91232fa-14ad-4e41-980a-d82dc9ea3929", "2506940c-22f9-4b81-a865-9aa6e7d7cba3"]}' http://controller:9364/v1/users/246bc0c0-6f82-4343-8d9e-9c1ef706a3d0/servers/

This operation has no response content.

Assigning user groups to TRS instance.

Assigning user groups to TRS instances. All information about user group assignments and cancellations is stored in database.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
group_id path string User group ID.
servers body array User group instances.
Request example:
curl -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"servers": ["d91232fa-14ad-4e41-980a-d82dc9ea3929", "2506940c-22f9-4b81-a865-9aa6e7d7cba3"]}' http://controller:9364/v1/groups/246bc0c0-6f82-4343-8d9e-9c1ef706a3d0/servers/

This operation has no response content.

Getting a list of TRS machines of a user.

Getting a list of TRS machines of a user

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
user_id path string User ID.
Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:9364/v1/users/bd4a97119113445e8d3ce323051b945d/servers/ | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
instance_id body string Instance ID.
project_id (Optional) body string Project ID.
project_name (Optional) body string Project name, unique within the domain.

Example result in JSON format:

    "servers": [
            "instance_id": "64946d43-6bec-4a34-898c-25b67426e3e4",
            "project_id": "10145e7899324f03bef44502e316bf96",
            "project_name": "fdd89303-1e16-4dfa-a48a-3d8de47f550a"
            "instance_id": "937a0e68-98f7-474f-b2ed-f2b6ab121579",
            "project_id": "10145e7899324f03bef44502e316bf96",
            "project_name": "fdd89303-1e16-4dfa-a48a-3d8de47f550a"
Getting list of TRS instance users.

Getting list of TRS instance users.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
server_id body string Instance ID.
Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:9364/v1/servers/2506940c-22f9-4b81-a865-9aa6e7d7cba3/users/ | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
id (Optional) body string User ID.

Example result in JSON format:

    "users": [
                {"id": "0972fadc-6f8d-415a-b4cb-d4a0992b2370"},
                {"id": "2506940c-22f9-4b81-a865-9aa6e7d7cba3"},
                {"id": "747488c2-5aa6-4d92-a982-e0319bee70e1"}
Getting list of TRS instance user groups.

Getting list of TRS instance user groups.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
server_id body string Instance ID.
Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:9364/v1/servers/2506940c-22f9-4b81-a865-9aa6e7d7cba3/groups/ | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
id (Optional) body string User group ID.

Example result in JSON format:

    "groups": [
                {"id": "0972fadc-6f8d-415a-b4cb-d4a0992b2370"},
                {"id": "2506940c-22f9-4b81-a865-9aa6e7d7cba3"},
                {"id": "747488c2-5aa6-4d92-a982-e0319bee70e1"}
Unassign users to TRS instances.

Unassign users to TRS instances.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
server_id path string Instance ID.
user_id path string User ID.
Request example:
curl -X DELETE -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:9364/v1/servers/0972fadc-6f8d-415a-b4cb-d4a0992b2370/users/747488c2-5aa6-4d92-a982-e0319bee70e1

This operation has no response content.

Unassign group users to TRS instances.

Unassign group users to TRS instances.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
server_id path string Instance ID.
group_id path string User group ID.
Request example:
curl -X DELETE -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:9364/v1/servers/0972fadc-6f8d-415a-b4cb-d4a0992b2370/groups/747488c2-5aa6-4d92-a982-e0319bee70e1

This operation has no response content.

Floating IP addresses

Actions with floating IP addresses.

Getting list of users with assigned floating IP address.

Getting list of users with assigned floating IP address.

Request parameters:

Request has no parameters.

Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:9364/v1/users/ | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
id body string User ID.
floating_ip_id body string Floating IP ID.

Example result in JSON format:

    "users": [
            "id": "56d88dd0a3ab4c4c8d1d15534352d7de",
            "floating_ip_id": "c3bdc5ba-cdff-49d0-b84c-ac9329ab1410"
Getting user with assigned floating IP.

Getting user with assigned floating IP.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
user_id path string User ID.
Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:9364/v1/users/$user_id | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
id body string User ID.
floating_ip_id (Optional) body string Floating IP ID.

Example result in JSON format:

    "user": [
            "id": "56d88dd0a3ab4c4c8d1d15534352d7de",
            "floating_ip_id": "c3bdc5ba-cdff-49d0-b84c-ac9329ab1410"
Assigning floating IP address to user.

Assigning floating IP address to user.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
user_id path string User ID.
floating_ip_id body string Floating IP ID.
Request example:
curl -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:9364/v1/users/$user_id/floating-ip -d '{"floating_ip_id": "c3bdc5ba-cdff-49d0-b84c-ac9329ab1410"}'

This operation has no response content.

Updating floating IP address assignment to user.

Updating floating IP address assignment to user.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
user_id path string User ID.
floating_ip_id body string Floating IP ID.
Request example:
curl -X PUT -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:9364/v1/users/$user_id/floating-ip -d '{"floating_ip_id": "c3bdc5ba-cdff-49d0-b84c-ac9329ab1410"}'

This operation has no response content.

Unassigning floating IP address to user.

Unassigning floating IP address to user.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
user_id path string User ID.
Request example:
curl -X DELETE -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" http://controller:9364/v1/users/$user_id/floating-ip

This operation has no response content.


Actions with sessions.

Getting of list sessions.

Getting of list sessions.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
user_id (Optional) body string User ID.
user_name (Optional) body string Username.
instance_id (Optional) body string Instance ID.
instance_name (Optional) body string Instance name.
project_id (Optional) body string Project ID.
connection_type (Optional) body string

Connection type. Possible values:

  • web is connection via web client;
  • ssh is connection via console;
  • client is connection via RSclient.
last (Optional) body bool Additional parameter specifying whether to display only the latest sessions of instances.

Parameters supporting modifiers are``user_id``, user_name, instance_id.

Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:9364/v1/sessions/ | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
instance_id (Optional) body string Instance ID.
session_id (Optional) body string Session ID.
user_id (Optional) body string User ID.
user_name (Optional) body string Username.
connection_type (Optional) body string

Connection type. Possible values:

  • web is connection via web client;
  • ssh is connection via console;
  • client is connection via RSclient.
closed_at (Optional) body string Session closing date and time.
client_ip (Optional) body string Client IP address.
client_os (Optional) body string Client operating system.
client_info (Optional) body string Client information.
created_at (Optional) body string Session creation time.

Example result in JSON format:

    "sessions": [
            "instance_id": "e3afefea-7dfe-4754-8607-fb3f45b0fe07",
            "session_id": "11fa220f-9f88-406a-ba79-0acbba83c32b",
            "user_id": "56d88dd0a3ab4c4c8d1d15534352d7de",
            "user_name": "admin",
            "connection": "web",
            "closed_at": null,
            "client_ip": "",
            "client_os": "Ubuntu 16.04",
            "client_info": "RSclient 0.1.0"
            "created_at": "2018-10-31T12:59:43"
Getting number of sessions.

Getting number of sessions.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
user_id (Optional) body string User ID.
user_name (Optional) body string Username.
instance_id (Optional) body string Instance ID.
instance_name (Optional) body string Instance name.
project_id (Optional) body string Project ID.
connection_type (Optional) body string

Connection type. Possible values:

  • web is connection via web client;
  • ssh is connection via console;
  • client is connection via RSclient.
last (Optional) body bool Additional parameter specifying whether to display only the latest sessions of instances.
Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:9364/v1/sessions/count | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
count (Optional) body integer Number of objects.

Example result in JSON format:

    "count": 5
Adding session.

Adding new session.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
conn_type (Optional) body string

Connection type. Possible values:

  • web is connection via web client;
  • ssh is connection via console;
  • client is connection via RSclient.
instance_id body string Instance ID.
client_ip (Optional) body string Client IP address.
client_os (Optional) body string Client operating system.
client_info (Optional) body string Client information.
Request example:
curl -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"session": {"instance_id": "8735df50-6e08-462e-b091-1552f8588fd4", "conn_type": "web"}}' http://controller:9364/v1/sessions/ | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
instance_id (Optional) body string Instance ID.
user_id (Optional) body string User ID.
user_name (Optional) body string Username.
connection_type (Optional) body string

Connection type. Possible values:

  • web is connection via web client;
  • ssh is connection via console;
  • client is connection via RSclient.
closed_at (Optional) body string Session closing date and time.
client_ip (Optional) body string Client IP address.
client_os (Optional) body string Client operating system.
client_info (Optional) body string Client information.
created_at (Optional) body string Session creation time.

Example result in JSON format:

    "session": {
        "instance_id": "e3afefea-7dfe-4754-8607-fb3f45b0fe07",
        "user_id": "56d88dd0a3ab4c4c8d1d15534352d7de",
        "user_name": "admin",
        "connection": "web",
        "closed_at": null,
        "client_ip": "",
        "client_os": "Ubuntu 16.04",
        "client_info": "RSclient 0.1.0",
        "created_at": "2018-10-31T12:59:43"

Assigning volumes to user

Assigning volumes to user.

Getting list of assignings.

Getting list of volume assignings.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
user_id (Optional) path string User ID.
project_id (Optional) path string Project ID.
volume_id (Optional) path string Volume assignment ID.

Parameters supporting modifiers are``user_id``, project_id, volume_id.

Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:9364/v1/volume-assignments/ | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
id body string Volume assignment ID.
user_id body string User ID.
project_id body string Project ID.
volume_id body string Volume assignment ID.

Example result in JSON format:

    "volume-assignments": [
            "id": 5,
            "project_id": "3005d0d44cf84c7cbcb1ad1be83fba8f",
            "user_id": "c72a1b62a8194426a0e4c40a4b4d77a0",
            "volume_id": "c8327ff2-eb85-4495-ab68-df4aa36d7ae0"
            "id": 10,
            "project_id": "3005d0d44cf84c7cbcb1ad1be83fba8f",
            "user_id": "7ac2f8179b174f7bb5a34d9646e856ef",
            "volume_id": "2f1a653b-2f5a-499c-a2b9-2a893b855504"
Getting information about assigning.

Getting information about volume assigning.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
assignment_id path string Volume assignment ID.
Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:9364/v1/volume-assignments/5 | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
id body string Volume assignment ID.
user_id body string User ID.
project_id body string Project ID.
volume_id body string Volume assignment ID.

Example result in JSON format:

    "volume-assignment": {
        "id": 5,
        "project_id": "3005d0d44cf84c7cbcb1ad1be83fba8f",
        "user_id": "c72a1b62a8194426a0e4c40a4b4d77a0",
        "volume_id": "c8327ff2-eb85-4495-ab68-df4aa36d7ae0"
Creating volume assignment to user.

Creating volume assignment to user.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
user_id body string User ID.
project_id body string Project ID.
volume_id body string Volume assignment ID.
Request example:
curl -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:9364/v1/volume-assignments/ -d '{"user_id": "c72a1b62a8194426a0e4c40a4b4d77a0", "project_id": "3005d0d44cf84c7cbcb1ad1be83fba8f", "volume_id": "c8327ff2-eb85-4495-ab68-df4aa36d7ae0"}'
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
id body string Volume assignment ID.
user_id body string User ID.
project_id body string Project ID.
volume_id body string Volume assignment ID.

Example result in JSON format:

    "volume-assignment": {
        "id": 5,
        "project_id": "3005d0d44cf84c7cbcb1ad1be83fba8f",
        "user_id": "c72a1b62a8194426a0e4c40a4b4d77a0",
        "volume_id": "c8327ff2-eb85-4495-ab68-df4aa36d7ae0"
Deleting volume assignment to user.

Deleting volume assignment to user.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
assignment_id path string Volume assignment ID.
Request example:
curl -X DELETE -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" http://controller:9364/v1/volume-assignments/5

This operation has no response content.

TRS broker API

TRS instances

Interface provides ability to connect to TRS instance.

Getting task ID of getting TRS instance.

Getting of asynchronous task ID of getting instance address to connect.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
user body string Username.
password body string User password.
user_domain_name body string User domain name.
auth_tenant (Optional) body string Project name, unique within the domain.
project_domain_name (Optional) body string Project domain name.
ip_address (Optional) body string IP address for creating instance security group rules.
conn_type (Optional) body string

Connection type. Possible values:

  • web is connection via web client;
  • ssh is connection via console;
  • client is connection via RSclient.
os (Optional) body string Client operating system.
client (Optional) body string Client information.
Request parameters using authorization token:
Name In Type Description
token body string Authentication Token.
auth_tenant (Optional) body string Project name, unique within the domain.
project_domain_name (Optional) body string Project domain name.
ip_address (Optional) body string IP address for creating instance security group rules.
conn_type (Optional) body string

Connection type. Possible values:

  • web is connection via web client;
  • ssh is connection via console;
  • client is connection via RSclient.
os (Optional) body string Client operating system.
client (Optional) body string Client information.
Request example:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:9365/v1/request-vm/ -d '{"user": "trs", "password": "rR0666&4", "user_domain_name": "default"}' | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
X-Auth-Token header string Authentication Token.
request_id body string Request ID.

Example result in JSON format:

    "request_id": "fe8775d4-1ac0-4224-9fec-93151e0bfc43"
Getting IP address of TRS instance by task ID.

Getting TRS instance IP by asynchronous task ID.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
request body string Request ID.
Request example:
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:9365/v1/get-vm/ -d '{"request": "req-48a56205-f4b5-4c05-8c64-30342a7e1cee"}' | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
status body string Request status.
message body string Request message.
id body string Instance ID.
vm_state body string Instance state.
ip body string Instance IP address.
progress body integer Progress state of the instance creation. It is provided by nova service.
task_state body string Task state.

Example result in JSON format:

    "status": "completed",
    "message": null,
    "server": {
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "vm_state": "active",
        "ip": "",
        "progress": 0,
        "task_state": null,
        "id": "c14d27cd-799e-4317-a430-af7c877703cf"
Getting list of TRS projects of user.

Getting list of TRS projects of user.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
user body string Username.
password body string User password.
user_domain_name body string User domain name.
Request example:
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:9365/v1/get-projects/ -d '{"user": "trs", "password": "rR0666&4", "user_domain_name": "default"}' | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
projects body array List of projects available to user.

Example result in JSON format:

    "projects": [
Unlinking a user from a TRS machine.

Unlinking a user from a TRS machine.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
user body string Username.
password body string User password.
user_domain_name body string User domain name.
instance_id body string Instance ID.
Request example:
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:9365/v1/server-remove-user/ -d '{"user": "trs", "password": "rR0666&4", "user_domain_name": "default", "instance_id": "11"}' | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
message body string Message.

Example result in JSON format:

    "message": "User with user_id = 1 was deleted from instance with instance_id = 11"

Description of errors in calls to TRS server

In case of an error, the server will return response with the HTTP 400 status, which will contain error object with following parameters:

  • code is error code;
  • message is short description of error;
  • data is additional error information.
List of error codes with description
Код ошибки Описание на английском Сообщение в RS клиенте на английском Описание на русском Сообщение в RS клиенте на русском
Unexpected error occurred.
Unexpected error occurred. Please contact system administrator.
Произошла непредвиденная ошибка.
Произошла непредвиденная ошибка. Обратитесь к системному администратору.
License expired.
License of RS server {cloud_url} got out. Please contact system administrator.
Истек срок действия лицензии.
Срок лицензии модуля RS сервер {cloud_url} истек. Обратитесь к системному администратору.
Asynchronous task of getting an instance failed.
Ошибка при выполнении асинхронной задачи получения виртуальной машины.
Failed to start asynchronous task of getting an instance.
Не удалось запустить асинхронную задачу получения виртуальной машины.
No available TRS project in the specified domain found.
No available TRS project found. Please contact system administrator.
Нет доступных TRS проектов для пользователя в указанном домене.
Нет ни одного доступного TRS проекта. Обратитесь к системному администратору.
Authentication error.
Invalid credentials. Please contact system administrator.
Ошибка аутентификации.
Неправильные учётные данные. Обратитесь к системному администратору.
Password expired.
The password needs to be changed.
Истек срок действия пароля.
Необходимо изменить пароль.
The specified project is not TRS.
Not a TRS project: {project_name}.
Указанный проект не является TRS проектом.
Проект {project_name} не является TRS проектом.
Invalid request body.
Неверное тело запроса.
Unable to find an instance obtain request by given ID.
Не удалось найти запрос на получение виртуальной машины по указанному ID.
Forbidden to obtain an instance request.
Нет доступа к указанному запросу на получение виртуальной машины.
Project quota exceeded.
Quota exceeded for TRS project “{project_name}”. Please contact system administrator.
Превышена квота проекта.
Превышена квота для TRS проекта “{project_name}”. Обратитесь к системному администратору.
Instance creation failed.
Unable to create instance in project {project_name}. Please contact system administrator.
Не удалось создать новую виртуальную машину.
Не удалось создать виртуальную машину в проекте {project_name}. Обратитесь к системному администратору.
No instances found in the specified project.
No instance found in project {project_name}. Please contact system administrator.
Нет доступных виртуальных машин в указанном проекте.
Не найдена виртуальная машина в проекте {project_name}. Обратитесь к системному администратору.
Specified domain not found.
Domain {domain_name} not found.
Указанный домен не найден.
Домен {domain_name} не найден.
Specified user not found.
User {user_name} not found in domain {domain_name}.
Указанный пользователь не найден.
Пользователь {user_name} не найден в домене {domain_name}.
Instance is in an invalid state.
Instance with id {instance_id} is in invalid state: {instance_status}. Please contact system administrator.
Виртуальная машина находится в необрабатываемом статусе.
Виртуальная машина с ID {instance_id} находится в некорректном состоянии: {instance_status}. Обратитесь к системному администратору.
Unable to obtain an instance IP address.
Unable to get IP address of instance with id {instance_id}. Please contact system administrator.
Не удалось получить IP-адрес виртуальной машины.
Не удалось получить IP-адрес виртуальной машины с ID {instance_id}. Обратитесь к системному администратору.
Password expiration warning.
Password expires in {seconds} seconds and needs to be changed.
Предупреждение о том, что пароль скоро истечёт.
Ваш пароль истекает через {seconds} секунд, измените его.
Warning that amount of authentications with current password is limited.
Password expired, {attempts} grace logins remain.
Предупреждение о том, что осталось ограниченное число аутентификаций с использованием текущего пароля.
Срок вашего пароля истек, осталось {attempts} попытки для входа.
Authentication server is not available.
Authentication server is not available. Please contact system administrator.
Недоступен сервер аутентификации.
Сервер аутентификации недоступен. Обратитесь к системному администратору.
Kerberos script file is not available because of it does not exist or it has wrong permissions.
Couldn’t change password because of the KERBEROS.script_path file doesn’t exist or it’s unaccessible. Please contact system administrator.
Файл скрипта для изменения пароля в Kerberos недоступен по причнине того, что он не найден или неверные права доступа.
Не удалось изменить пароль в связи с отсутствием файла KERBEROS.script_path или прав для его запуска. Обратитесь к системному администратору.
Error while password change process, so script returned 1
Couldn’t change password because of an error while change password process execution. Please contact system administrator.
Ошибка во время выполнения скрипта изменения пароля, скрипт вернул код 1.
Не удалось изменить пароль в связи с ошибкой во время запуска процесса смены пароля. Обратитесь к системному администратору.
Auth token is not valid.
Unexpected error occurred. Please contact system administrator.
Токен авторизации недействителен.
Произошла непредвиденная ошибка. Обратитесь к системному администратору.
Failed to process asynchronous task of getting an instance.
Не удалось выполнить асинхронную задачу получения виртуальной машины.
Request doesn’t match current Web Guard settings.
Invalid settings of Web Guard. Please contact system administrator.
Запрос не соответствует текущим настройкам Web Guard.
Неправильные настройки Web Guard.Обратитесь к системному администратору.
OTP is required for authentication.
Для аутентификации требуется код OTP.

Example of error in JSON format:

    "error": {
        "message": "Quota exceeded for TRS project \"c70379f3-e905-431f-b3b4-d0820e225edf\".",
        "code": 12,
        "data": {
            "project_name": "c70379f3-e905-431f-b3b4-d0820e225edf"


Passwords management.

Changing user password.

Changing user password.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
user body string Username.
user_domain_name body string User domain name.
password body string User password.
new_password body string New user password.
Request example:
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:9365/v1/change-password/ -d '{"user": "demo", "user_domain_name": "default", "password": "123456", "new_password": "Qdr4H2d5bn01"}' | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
message body string Message.

Example result in JSON format:

    "message": "Password successfully changed for user \'admin\'"

Celery tasks

Information about celery tasks.

Getting list of recent task IDs.

Getting list of recent celery task IDs.

Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" http://controller:9364/v1/tasks
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
task_id body string Celery task ID.

Example result in JSON format:

Getting information about task.

Getting information about celery task by ID.

Request parameters:
Name In Type Description
task_id body string Celery task ID.
Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" http://controller:9364/v1/tasks/$task_id
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
status body string Task status.
name (Optional) body string Celery task name.
traceback (Optional) body string Traceback errors while executing a task.
result (Optional) body string Task result.

Example result in JSON format:


Detailed description of response codes for requests is available in the tab with additional information.