Installation and configuration



First need to do setting up the environment. All commands are executed only from superuser.

Mode superuser:

sudo -i


This is executed on all compute nodes, switches Mellanox.

  1. Install Agent package:

    • from Python package repository:

      pip3 install agent


To install Agent on Astra Linux (Smolensk) do following:

  1. Connect the provided repository with AccentOS packages.

  2. Install the package with the command:

    sudo apt install -y aos-agent


Agent configuration

  1. Configure module:

    openstack aos agent configure --type <type>

    Where type is one or more of following values:

    • control is value for any compute node;
    • consul is value for synchronization configuration files with the Consul repository;
    • lvm is value for logical disk management.
    • vgpu is value for virtual GPU management.

    When specifying multiple parameters, use space when listing them.

  2. Enable and start services systemd:

    systemctl daemon-reload
    systemctl enable aos-agent.service
    systemctl start aos-agent.service
  3. Create directory for logs.


To enable the Agent functionality, you must also set the ENABLE_AGENT parameter to True in CloudManager configuration file.

Configuration file

Example configuration file:

transport_url = amqp://user:password@controller:5672/vhost
agent_type = control

Configuration file consists of sections:

Section Parameter Description Default value
DEFAULT transport_url

Connection parameters to the message server AMQP. Example: amqp://aos:password@controller:5672/aos, where aos in this case is the name of the vhost in RabbitMQ.


If there are special characters in the login and password, they must be replaced with the corresponding URL codes. Example: passw#ordpassw%23ord.

DEFAULT agent_type

Agent type. Possible values are:

  • control is value for any compute node;
  • vgpu is value for virtual GPU management;
  • consul is value for synchronization configuration files with the Consul repository;
  • lvm is value for logical disk management.
DEFAULT rpc_response_timeout Maximum waiting time for RPC call. 60
DEFAULT max_command_timeout Maximum waiting time for console commands. 600
DEFAULT rpc_confirm_timeout Maximum waiting time for RPC request confirmation. 10
consul host Domain name or IP address of repository Consul.
consul port Consul repository port. 8500
consul token Token for connecting to Consul repository .  
consul force_dcc Option to disable prompting for host parameters from CloudManager and force dynamic configuration of components. False
sanlock enable_check Enabling automatic checking of the state of Sanlock locks. False
sanlock check_time Frequency of automatic check of the state of interlocks (in seconds). 3600
sanlock global_vg_name Volumes group name with global locks. False

Module also supports parameters of the configuration files of the oslo.log module. Thus, to configure logging specify the necessary parameters in the configuration file /etc/aos/agent.conf:

debug = True
log_file = /var/log/aos/agent.log
