Installation and configuration



This guide describes the installation of RS-Web on Ubuntu 22.


For the application to work, you must have installed and configured: OpenStack Horizon, Apache2 with the WSGI plugin.


First need to do setting up the environment. All commands are executed only from superuser.

Mode superuser:

sudo -i
  1. Save the list of previously installed packages before starting the installation, this will allow you to painlessly restore the system in case of damage. Run the following commands to do this:

    mkdir -p /tmp/rollback/rs-web
    pip3 freeze > /tmp/rollback/rs-web/pip_before.txt

    After that, directory /tmp/rollback/rs-web will contain file pip_before.txt with list of installed applications.

  2. Install package RS-Web:

    pip3 install rs-web
  3. Save the list of installed packages after installation to be able to roll back changes:

    pip3 freeze > /tmp/rollback/rs-web/pip_after.txt
  4. Set up environment variables:

    export PIP_INDEX_URL=


  1. Add user:

    adduser --system --group --disabled-login aos
  2. Create directory for config files with the right permissions:

    mkdir /var/log/rs-web/
    chown -R aos:aos /var/log/rs-web/
  3. Perform command openstack aos configure to configure systemd service files:

    openstack aos configure
  4. Copy the sample configuration file and edit:

    cp /etc/aos/aos.conf.example /etc/aos/aos.conf
    cp /etc/aos/cloud_manager.conf.example /etc/aos/rs_web.conf
  5. Restart the apache2 service:

    systemctl restart apache2
  6. After launching the services, the application functionality is available on port 8888 via any browser:


Configuration file

Configuration file is presented in ini format and consists of the following sections and parameters:

Section Parameter Description Default value
DEFAULT default_availability_zone Default Availability zone. nova
DEFAULT instance_name_pattern Name template for the instances being created.  
DEFAULT companyname Company name.  
DEFAULT website URL of the company’s website.  
DEFAULT support Email of the developer company’s support service.  
DEFAULT documentation URL of the website with documentation.  
web debug Working in debug mode. True
web memcache_location URL for accessing the caching system. localhost:11211
web compress_enabled Enabling static compression. true
web endpoint_override URL of the RSserver broker.