
You need token to access REST API. Receiving a token is described in tab with additional information.

Monitor API

It allows to manage backup and monitoring settings. It provides additional information used in Monitor module.

Module information

Detail module information.

Getting detailed information about module.
Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" http://controller:9363/v1/info | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
license (Optional) body object Module license information.
version body string Module version.

Example of getting information about a module in JSON format:

    "info": {
        "license": {
            "created_at": 1538141221,
            "expire_at": 1545955201,
            "module_package": "monitor",
            "name": "TestLicense",
            "product": "Monitor",
            "surrogate_name": "Monitor",
            "unique_id": "04-002-4b21d16097656c2c0214",
            "verified": true
        "version": "2.0"

Instances statistics

It provides instances statistics and actions to manage monitoring.

Getting instances statistics.

Getting statistic data about instance.

Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
server_id path string Instance ID.
offset (Optional) path integer Position number for receiving data.
limit (Optional) path integer Limiting the amount of data received.
Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" http://controller:9363/v1/metrics/$server_id | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
metrics body string List of statistics and actions.

Example of getting statistic data about instance in JSON format:

    "metrics": {
        u'cpu_util': {
            u'items': [
                (u'2017-03-22T11:27:27.291000', 3.082715849239197),
                (u'2017-03-22T11:17:26.197000', 3.0734477629159596),
                (u'2017-03-21T11:37:26.035000', 3.188243387673628)
            u'unit': u'%'
        u'': {
            u'items': [
                (u'2017-03-22T11:27:27.372000', 20164608.0),
                (u'2017-03-21T11:37:26.089000', 20164608.0)
            u'unit': u'B'
        u'disk.write.bytes': {
            u'items': [
                (u'2017-03-22T11:27:27.554000', 288768.0),
                (u'2017-03-21T11:37:26.270000', 288768.0)
            u'unit': u'B'
Getting list of parameters for which statistical data are displayed.

Getting list of available parameters for which statistical data are displayed.

Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" http://controller:9363/v1/metrics/names | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
metrics_names body string Metrics names.

Example of getting names of available parameters in JSON format:

    "metrics_names": [

Backup systems

It provides API for working with backup systems.

Getting list of backup systems.

Getting list of backup systems.

Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
domain_id (Optional) path string Domain ID.
hostname (Optional) path string Domain name of backup system.
backup_system (Optional) path string Backup system type. Possible values are: 0 - Bareos. Default value is 0.
offset (Optional) path integer Position number for receiving data.
limit (Optional) path integer Limiting the amount of data received.
Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" http://controller:9363/v1/backup-systems/ | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
id body string Backup system ID.
domain_id body string Domain ID.
hostname body string Domain name of backup system.
backup_system body string Backup system type. Possible values are: 0 - Bareos. Default value is 0.

Sample result in JSON format:

    "backup_systems": [
            "backup_system": 0,
            "domain_id": "30b9a74c0cef4b7f820d106580b38d31",
            "hostname": "Some Name",
            "id": 1
            "backup_system": 0,
            "domain_id": "09434a2f76e248518acc5825dccb7921",
            "hostname": "Host",
            "id": 3
Getting the number of records about backup systems.

Getting the number of backup systems.

Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
domain_id (Optional) path string Domain ID.
hostname (Optional) path string Domain name of backup system.
backup_system (Optional) path string Backup system type. Possible values are: 0 - Bareos. Default value is 0.
Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" http://controller:9363/v1/backup-systems/count | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
count body integer Number of objects.

Sample result in JSON format:

    "count": 1
Creating backup system.

Creating backup system. It is available for domain administrator only.

Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
domain_id body string Domain ID.
hostname body string Domain name of backup system.
password body string Backup system password.
private_key body string Key to access the backup system.
Request example:
curl -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"backup_system": {"domain_id": "30b9a74c0cef4b7f820d106580b38d31", "hostname": "Some Name", "password": "HiddenPassword", "private_key":"MyPrivateKey"}}' http://controller:9363/v1/backup-systems/
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
id body string Backup system ID.
domain_id body string Domain ID.
hostname body string Domain name of backup system.
backup_system body string Backup system type. Possible values are: 0 - Bareos. Default value is 0.

Sample result in JSON format:

    "backup_system": {
        "backup_system": 0,
        "domain_id": "30b9a74c0cef4b7f820d106580b38d31",
        "hostname": "Some Name",
        "id": 1
Getting a backup system.

Getting information about a specific backup system.

Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
backup_system_id path string Backup system ID.
Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" http://controller:9363/v1/backup-systems/$backup_system_id | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
id body string Backup system ID.
domain_id body string Domain ID.
hostname body string Domain name of backup system.
backup_system body string Backup system type. Possible values are: 0 - Bareos. Default value is 0.

Sample result in JSON format:

    "backup_system": {
        "backup_system": 0,
        "domain_id": "09434a2f76e248518acc5825dccb7921",
        "hostname": "Some Name",
        "id": 1
Updating backup system settings.

Updating backup system parameter values.

Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
domain_id (Optional) body string Domain ID.
hostname (Optional) body string Domain name of backup system.
password (Optional) body string Backup system password.
private_key (Optional) body string Key to access the backup system.
backup_system body string Backup system type. Possible values are: 0 - Bareos. Default value is 0.
backup_system_id path string Backup system ID.
Request example:
curl -X PUT -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"backup_system": {"hostname":"Some New Name"}}' http://controller:9363/v1/backup-systems/$backup_system_id | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
id body string Backup system ID.
domain_id body string Domain ID.
hostname body string Domain name of backup system.
backup_system body string Backup system type. Possible values are: 0 - Bareos. Default value is 0.

Sample result in JSON format:

    "backup_system": {
        "backup_system": 0,
        "domain_id": "09434a2f76e248518acc5825dccb7921",
        "hostname": "Some New Name",
        "id": 1
Deleting backup system.

Deleting a specific backup system.

Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
backup_system_id path string Backup system ID.
Request example:
curl -X DELETE -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" http://controller:9363/v1/backup-systems/$backup_system_id

This operation has no response content.

Getting backup system parameters.

Getting backup system parameters assigned to the domain.

Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
domain_id path string Domain ID.
backup_system path string Backup system type. Possible values are: 0 - Bareos. Default value is 0.
Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" "http://controller:9363/v1/backup-systems/parameters?backup_system=$backup_system&domain_id=$backup_system" | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
job_defs body string JobDefs resource type for this backup template, it provides default settings for Job resource.
file_set body string FileSet resource type for this backup template, it specifies the set of files to back up.
schedule body string Sсhedule resource type for this backup template, it sets the backup schedule.

Sample result in JSON format:

    "file_set": [
        "Windows All Drives"
    "job_defs": [
    "schedule": [
Getting name of backup server.

Getting name of backup server name assigned to the domain.

Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
domain_id path string Domain ID.
backup_system path string Backup system type. Possible values are: 0 - Bareos. Default value is 0.
Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" "http://controller:9363/v1/backup-systems/director-name?backup_system=$backup_system&domain_id=$domain_id" | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
name body string Backup server name.

Sample result in JSON format:

    "name": "bareos-dir"
Creating backup template.

Creating backup template. It is available for domain administrator only.

Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
domain_id (Optional) body integer Domain identifier, required parameter when creating a backup system.
name (Optional) body string Backup template name. If the name is not specified during creation, it will be generated automatically.
description (Optional) body string Backup template description.
level (Optional) body integer

Backup level. Possible values are:

  • 0 - Incremental;
  • 1 - Differential;
  • 2 - Full.
job_defs (Optional) body string JobDefs resource type for this backup template, it provides default settings for Job resource.
file_set (Optional) body string FileSet resource type for this backup template, it specifies the set of files to back up.
schedule (Optional) body string Sсhedule resource type for this backup template, it sets the backup schedule.
Request example:
curl -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"backup_template": {"domain_id": "3ace73b59639489e8ae0d3c42d6aa36d", "name": "template name", "description": "Backup template", "level": 0, "job_defs": "DefaultJob", "file_set": "Catalog", "schedule": "WeeklyCycle"}}' http://controller:9363/v1/backup-templates/ | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
id body integer Backup template ID.
domain_id body integer Domain identifier, required parameter when creating a backup system.
name body string Backup template name. If the name is not specified during creation, it will be generated automatically.
description body string Backup template description.
level body integer

Backup level. Possible values are:

  • 0 - Incremental;
  • 1 - Differential;
  • 2 - Full.
job_defs body string JobDefs resource type for this backup template, it provides default settings for Job resource.
file_set body string FileSet resource type for this backup template, it specifies the set of files to back up.
schedule body string Sсhedule resource type for this backup template, it sets the backup schedule.

Sample result in JSON format:

    "backup_template": {
        "id": 1,
        "domain_id": "3ace73b59639489e8ae0d3c42d6aa36d",
        "name": "template name",
        "description": "Backup template",
        "level": 0,
        "job_defs": "DefaultJob",
        "file_set": "Catalog",
        "schedule": "WeeklyCycle"
Getting list of backup templates.

Getting list of backup templates.

Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
domain_id (Optional) path integer Domain identifier, required parameter when creating a backup system.
name (Optional) path string Backup template name. If the name is not specified during creation, it will be generated automatically.
level (Optional) path integer

Backup level. Possible values are:

  • 0 - Incremental;
  • 1 - Differential;
  • 2 - Full.
job_defs (Optional) path string JobDefs resource type for this backup template, it provides default settings for Job resource.
file_set (Optional) path string FileSet resource type for this backup template, it specifies the set of files to back up.
schedule (Optional) path string Sсhedule resource type for this backup template, it sets the backup schedule.
Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" http://controller:9363/v1/backup-templates/ | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
id body integer Backup template ID.
domain_id body integer Domain identifier, required parameter when creating a backup system.
name body string Backup template name. If the name is not specified during creation, it will be generated automatically.
description body string Backup template description.
level body integer

Backup level. Possible values are:

  • 0 - Incremental;
  • 1 - Differential;
  • 2 - Full.
job_defs body string JobDefs resource type for this backup template, it provides default settings for Job resource.
file_set body string FileSet resource type for this backup template, it specifies the set of files to back up.
schedule body string Sсhedule resource type for this backup template, it sets the backup schedule.
assigned_servers body list List of instances IDs to which the template is assigned.

Sample result in JSON format:

    "backup_templates": [
            "id": 1,
            "domain_id": "3ace73b59639489e8ae0d3c42d6aa36d",
            "name": "template name",
            "description": "Backup template",
            "level": 0,
            "job_defs": "DefaultJob",
            "file_set": "Catalog",
            "schedule": "WeeklyCycle",
            "assigned_servers": [
            "id": 2,
            "domain_id": "5e9ee20b6ea347e9bc0d011d2ed2b0c1",
            "name": "template name 2",
            "description": "Backup template 2",
            "level": 1,
            "job_defs": "DefaultJob",
            "file_set": "LinuxAll",
            "schedule": "WeeklyCycleAfterBackup",
            "assigned_servers": [
Getting number of records about backup templates.
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
domain_id (Optional) path integer Domain identifier, required parameter when creating a backup system.
name (Optional) path string Backup template name. If the name is not specified during creation, it will be generated automatically.
level (Optional) path integer

Backup level. Possible values are:

  • 0 - Incremental;
  • 1 - Differential;
  • 2 - Full.
job_defs (Optional) path string JobDefs resource type for this backup template, it provides default settings for Job resource.
file_set (Optional) path string FileSet resource type for this backup template, it specifies the set of files to back up.
schedule (Optional) path string Sсhedule resource type for this backup template, it sets the backup schedule.
Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" http://controller:9363/v1/backup-templates/count | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
count body integer Number of objects.

Sample result in JSON format:

    "count": 2
Getting a backup template.
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
template_id path integer Backup template ID.
Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" http://controller:9363/v1/backup-templates/{template_id} | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
id body integer Backup template ID.
domain_id body integer Domain identifier, required parameter when creating a backup system.
name body string Backup template name. If the name is not specified during creation, it will be generated automatically.
description body string Backup template description.
level body integer

Backup level. Possible values are:

  • 0 - Incremental;
  • 1 - Differential;
  • 2 - Full.
job_defs body string JobDefs resource type for this backup template, it provides default settings for Job resource.
file_set body string FileSet resource type for this backup template, it specifies the set of files to back up.
schedule body string Sсhedule resource type for this backup template, it sets the backup schedule.
assigned_servers body list List of instances IDs to which the template is assigned.

Sample result in JSON format:

    "backup_template": {
        "id": 1,
        "domain_id": "3ace73b59639489e8ae0d3c42d6aa36d",
        "name": "template name",
        "description": "Backup template",
        "level": 0,
        "job_defs": "DefaultJob",
        "file_set": "Catalog",
        "schedule": "WeeklyCycle",
        "assigned_servers": [
Deleting a backup template.

Deleting a specific backup template.

Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
template_id path integer Backup template ID.
Request example:
curl -X DELETE -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" http://controller:9363/v1/backup-templates/$template_id

This operation has no response content.

Getting a list of instance backup templates.

Getting a list of instance backup templates.

Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
server_id path string Instance ID.
Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" http://controller:9363/v1/servers/$server_id/backup-templates/ | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
id body integer Backup template ID.
domain_id body integer Domain identifier, required parameter when creating a backup system.
name body string Backup template name. If the name is not specified during creation, it will be generated automatically.
description body string Backup template description.
level body integer

Backup level. Possible values are:

  • 0 - Incremental;
  • 1 - Differential;
  • 2 - Full.
job_defs body string JobDefs resource type for this backup template, it provides default settings for Job resource.
file_set body string FileSet resource type for this backup template, it specifies the set of files to back up.
schedule body string Sсhedule resource type for this backup template, it sets the backup schedule.
assigned_servers body list List of instances IDs to which the template is assigned.

Sample result in JSON format:

    "backup_templates": [
            "id": 1,
            "domain_id": "3ace73b59639489e8ae0d3c42d6aa36d",
            "name": "template name",
            "description": "Backup template",
            "level": 0,
            "job_defs": "DefaultJob",
            "file_set": "Catalog",
            "schedule": "WeeklyCycle",
            "assigned_servers": [
Assigning backup templates.

Assigning backup templates to instance.

Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
server_id path string Instance ID.
Request example:
curl -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:9363/v1/servers/{server_id}/actions/assign-backup-templates -d '{"template_ids": [1]}'

This operation has no response content.

Unassigning backup templates.

Unassigning backup templates for instance.

Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
server_id path string Instance ID.
Request example:
curl -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:9363/v1/servers/{server_id}/actions/unassign-backup-templates -d '{"template_ids": [1]}'

This operation has no response content.


Managing monitoring in Zabbix system.

Configuring authentication in monitoring system Zabbix.

Configuring authentication in monitoring system Zabbix for specified project or domain.

Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
object_id path string The object for which monitoring is configured. If configuration is made for a project, then the value is the project ID. If configuration is performed for nodes, then the value is domain ID.
object_type path string Type of object for which monitoring is configured. If configuration is made for a project, then the value is project. If configuration is performed for nodes, then the value is domain.
zabbix_user_login path string Username in the monitoring service Zabbix.
zabbix_user_password path string User password in the monitoring service Zabbix. The password is stored encrypted.
Request example:
curl -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"object_id": "5d421f16bb7a405799299d9cfb249748", "object_type": "project", "zabbix_user_login": "login", "zabbix_user_password": "password"}' http://controller:9363/v1/zabbix/actions/setup_monitoring

This operation has no response content.

Getting available templates from Zabbix monitoring system.

Getting available templates from node group defined in a config file.

Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
object_id (Optional) path string The object for which monitoring is configured. If configuration is made for a project, then the value is the project ID. If configuration is performed for nodes, then the value is domain ID.
offset (Optional) path integer Position number for receiving data.
limit (Optional) path integer Limiting the amount of data received.
Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:9363/v1/zabbix/templates/?object_id=object_id | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
available (Optional) body string Availability.
description (Optional) body string Detailed description.
disable_until (Optional) body string It is disabled until the time.
error (Optional) body string Error message.
errors_from (Optional) body string Error source.
flags (Optional) body string Setting flags.
host (Optional) body string Node.
ipmi_authtype (Optional) body string IPMI authorization type.
ipmi_available (Optional) body string Availability of IPMI.
ipmi_disable_until (Optional) body string IPMI is disabled until the time.
ipmi_error (Optional) body string IPMI error.
ipmi_errors_from (Optional) body string IPMI error source.
ipmi_password (Optional) body string IPMI password.
ipmi_privilege (Optional) body string IPMI privileges.
ipmi_username (Optional) body string IPMI username.
jmx_available (Optional) body string Availability of JMX.
jmx_disable_until (Optional) body string JMX is disabled until the time.
jmx_error (Optional) body string JMX error.
jmx_errors_from (Optional) body string JMX error source.
lastaccess (Optional) body string Last access time.
maintenance_from (Optional) body string Source of support.
maintenance_status (Optional) body string Support status.
maintenance_type (Optional) body string Support type.
maintenanceid (Optional) body string Support ID.
name (Optional) body string Backup template name.
proxy_hostid (Optional) body string Proxy host ID.
snmp_available (Optional) body string Availability of SNMP.
snmp_disable_until (Optional) body string SNMP is disabled until the time.
snmp_error (Optional) body string SNMP error.
snmp_errors_from (Optional) body string SNMP error source.
status (Optional) body string Status.
templateid (Optional) body string Template ID.
tls_accept (Optional) body string It is received.
tls_connect (Optional) body string Connection.
tls_issuer (Optional) body string Provider.
tls_psk (Optional) body string Key.
tls_psk_identity (Optional) body string Key Identity.
tls_subject (Optional) body string Subject.

Example of getting information about a module in JSON format:

    "templates": [
            "available": "0",
            "description": "",
            "disable_until": "0",
            "error": "",
            "errors_from": "0",
            "flags": "0",
            "host": "HTTP.check",
            "ipmi_authtype": "0",
            "ipmi_available": "0",
            "ipmi_disable_until": "0",
            "ipmi_error": "",
            "ipmi_errors_from": "0",
            "ipmi_password": "",
            "ipmi_privilege": "2",
            "ipmi_username": "",
            "jmx_available": "0",
            "jmx_disable_until": "0",
            "jmx_error": "",
            "jmx_errors_from": "0",
            "lastaccess": "0",
            "maintenance_from": "0",
            "maintenance_status": "0",
            "maintenance_type": "0",
            "maintenanceid": "0",
            "name": "HTTP.check",
            "proxy_hostid": "0",
            "snmp_available": "0",
            "snmp_disable_until": "0",
            "snmp_error": "",
            "snmp_errors_from": "0",
            "status": "3",
            "templateid": "10105",
            "tls_accept": "1",
            "tls_connect": "1",
            "tls_issuer": "",
            "tls_psk": "",
            "tls_psk_identity": "",
            "tls_subject": ""
Creating a node in Zabbix monitoring system.

Creating a node in Zabbix for monitoring of instance or hypervisor.

Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
instance_id (Optional) body string Instance ID.
hostname (Optional) body string Hostname.
templates (Optional) body list List of template IDs to join network node.
Request example:
curl -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"host":{"instance_id": "a34fc37c-22d9-4f13-aba0-e84b7493dc5d", "templates": ["10093", "10102"]}}' http://controller:9363/v1/zabbix/hosts/ | python -m json.tool

This operation has no response content.

Updating node in Zabbix monitoring system.

Updating node in Zabbix for monitoring of instance or hypervisor.

Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
host_id path string Zabbix network node ID.
templates body list List of template IDs to join network node.
Request example:
curl -X PUT -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"host":{"templates": ["10093", "10102"]}}' http://controller:9363/v1/zabbix/hosts/$host_id | python -m json.tool

This operation has no response content.

Getting node from Zabbix monitoring system.

Getting node from Zabbix for monitoring of instance or hypervisor.

Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
host_id path string Zabbix network node ID.
Request example:
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" http://controller:9363/v1/zabbix/hosts/$host_id | python -m json.tool
Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
host body string Node.

Example of getting information module about in JSON format:

    "host": {
        "hostid": "10084",
        "parentTemplates": [
                "name": "Template OS Linux",
                "templateid": "10001"
                "name": "Template App Zabbix Server",
                "templateid": "10047"
Deleting node from Zabbix monitoring system.

Deleting node from Zabbix for monitoring of instance or hypervisor.

Response parameters:
Name In Type Description
host_id path string Zabbix network node ID.
Request example:
curl -X DELETE -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://controller:9363/v1/zabbix/hosts/$host_id

This operation has no response content.

Detailed description of response codes for requests is available in the tab with additional information.