Console utilities

Journal API service

It provides an API for getting the history of actions on Openstack objects.

  • Command:

  • systemd service name:

Utility arguments
Name Description Default value
--host IP address on which the service will run.
--port Port on which the service will run. 9360
--certfile SSL certificate file path for a secure connection.  
--keyfile SSL private key path for a secure connection.  
--debug Argument allows to start service in the DEBUG mode. False
--logfile File path for logging. /var/log/aos/journal/journal-api.log

Event monitoring

Utility receives notifications of completed API requests to Nova, Keystone services and from the message queue services and saves them to the action log.

  • Command:

  • systemd service name:

Utility arguments
Name Description Default value
--debug Argument allows to start service in the DEBUG mode. False
--logfile File path for logging. /var/log/aos/journal/listener.log