Module functionality

Examples of working with the utility


Make sure that the environment is set up according to the statement and that the most recent version of Autosetup is installed before starting the installation.

  1. Installing:

    1.1. Installing all available modules:

    aos-autosetup --config-file ~/adm

    1.2. Installing modules CloudManager and Dashboard:

    aos-autosetup --packages cloudmanager dashboard --config-file ~/adm

    1.3. Installing without internet connection:


    It is need first download the modules and their dependencies before starting the installation without Internet connection. This process is described in detail in the section “No Internet Access”:

    aos-autosetup --pip-args="--no-index --find-links ./packages" --config-file ~/adm

    where: ./packages is a path to directory with preloaded packages and their dependencies.

    1.4. Installing a specific version of a module:

    Installation example CloudManager version 1.25:

    aos-autosetup --config-file ~/adm --packages cloudmanager --package-version 1.25

    1.5. Installing a specific version of a module from rpm repository:

    Installation example RSserver version 1.25:

    aos-autosetup --config-file ~/adm --packages rs_server --package-version 1.25 --source apt-get
  2. Updating:

    2.1. Updating all modules:

    aos-autosetup --update --config-file ~/adm

    2.2. Updating Dashboard module without Internet connection:

    aos-autosetup --update --packages dashboard --pip-args="--no-index --find-links ./packages"
  3. Removal:

    3.1. Removal all available modules:

    aos-autosetup --delete

Working with databases MySQL, MongoDB

The operation of creating a new user is performed from superuser whose credentials correspond to the values of the variables DB_SUPERUSER_NAME, DB_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD. The attributes of the new user account correspond to the values of the variables DB_USERNAME, DB_USER_PASSWORD. The new user will be added to the database, the name of which corresponds to the value of the variable DB_NAME.

User is assigned a reader or writer role in the database where he is created when a user is created.

Privileges and attributes of superuser remain unchanged during auto-installation of modules.

Rollback pip environment

Information about the pip environment is saved to file /etc/aos/autosetup/pip_packages_before_<current time>.env after starting autoinstall. You should pass the path to the file by file-path argument to roll back the environment to the versions of packages specified in a specific file:

aos-autosetup --rollback --file-path /tmp/pip.env

If the file-path argument is not specified, the rollback will be performed to the original state which was before the very first start of autoinstall. Example command:

aos-autosetup --rollback

Installing modules on two or more controllers

It is necessary to repeat the auto installation process on each of the controllers when modules are installed on several controllers.